The Arctic ocean photographed in the same place, 107 years ago vs today. to – 1166 points –

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Facebook comments: Well obviously it was taken in the SUMMER 😂🤣😆 Morons global warming is all fear mongering!

Yes Jim. It's very normal that entire glaciers disappear, regularly in fact, every year. You are so smart, much smarter than all of the scientists who are panicking.

Ummm…. There’s people right here on lemmy saying the same dumb shit about summer. Don’t think for a second that lemmy doesn’t host some of the exact same idiots Facebook does.

Good news is that many instances on Lemmy are less tolerant to alt-right trolls and climate deniers. Best to use that report function so your admins, or even better, their admins, can snipe them.

Good idea. Though I generally don’t like to over-use the report function.

I guess depending on the instance it's not necessarily over-using it, as the point is to report content that isn't up to the instance or community's standard. On some instance that includes disinfo, on others it doesn't.

We are all humans, we are all dumb. A smart human isn't one who knows everything, they're one who knows what they don't know and knows who knows that. And, ya know, defers to the people who know about things when they don't.

The only issue that really matters to me is climate change. Or maybe plastic.

But this is the same as the picture of the statue of liberty that is used to "debunk" sea level rise by showing the level at the same height, despite being taken 100 years apart. Were they taken at the same tide? Same time of year? Is there any other factor at play here?

This is a "shoe is on the other foot" moment, and we should be as skeptical of that which supports our beliefs as we are of that which contradicts it. Maybe especially so because confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.

Glaciers don't change with a full moon.

And I never said they did.

Were they taken at the same tide? Same time of year? Is there any other factor at play here?
...we should be as skeptical of that which supports our beliefs as we are of that which contradicts it.

Then what exactly are you implying?

Nothing, I explicitly said "we should be as skeptical of that which supports our beliefs as we are of that which contradicts it." I don't know how I could have made it more clear.

What does that have to do with pictures of a glacier obviously melting drastically in a short time?

It doesn't. It's almost like you are wilfully ignorant about thinking critically.

So you have no point at all? I've asked you multiple times what you're talking about and your only response is "nothing".

Are you mental?

You asked me what I was implying, I told you nothing, then pointed to my explicit point.

Your explicit point is to be skeptical that glaciers are melting? The fuck?

I can't tell if you are actually this clueless or just disingenuous.

Apparently I'm clueless, because everything you've said has no barring on the post we're in.

Also, the sunlight suggests it's summer in the first photo (or at least not winter).