Preference to Lemmy – 757 points –

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ITT everyone talking about liver damage? It’s tylenol that is harder on the liver. Ibuprofen is harder on the kidneys. Yeah, you can mess with your liver if you take too much ibuprofen, too.

Also stomach; NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin can cause stomach ulcers, especially if taken on an empty stomach or with alcohol

Just earlier I was reading about NSAIDs and saw this: "There's no evidence that taking ibuprofen with food prevents gastric irritation"

I'm sure I can find the article with citation in my history if you care.

3.2 grams/24hrs max

Some individuals don't tolerate it at all and get ulcers or bleeding with one dose. I know this because I'm related to one of these people

Is that technically an allergic reaction?

We don't know but it's in two people on that side of the family. One is currently in the hospital while they are looking for the bleed

You'd have to take 16 in a day. Standard pill is 200mg. I can't imagine taking that many. Most I've ever taken is 2.

i took 20 per day for years til aleve started working on me. those i max out at 3/24hrs

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