Chappell Roan Says She’s “Voting For F@cking Kamala,” But No VP Endorsement & “F@ck Trump, For F@cking Real” to politics – 216 points –

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What does voting for someone do if not show support for them? In a democracy it's the ultimate form of support.

Lmao, idk maybe go watch her videos, she is definitely not voicing support and certainly not approval

Just so I'm clear: you're saying that if I had a gun to my head and was forced to choose between getting shot or eating dogshit, and I chose dogshit, that would be considered an endorsement?

Just so I’m clear:

She is neither being forced to vote for anyone, nor forced to let us know who she voted for. So, no, you're not clear about it at all.

You really don't see the distinction? Being forced into making a choice you don't like, and voicing a public approval of someone's candidacy?

I mean think what you want i guess

Being forced into making a choice you don’t like, and voicing a public approval of someone’s candidacy?

? We don't have mandatory voting, she isn't forced to vote at all. Additionally, she isn't forced to publicly say who she is voting for. I see the distinction when it comes to being forced to do something, the question I have now is if you understand the word forced because it doesn't appear that way.


So wait, are you suggesting that she is forced to vote and forced to announce who she is voting for? I don't follow your response.

Yes, she was pressured into both of those decisions. Pretending as if it were not only a 'free choice' but an actual endorsement is cringe-levels of desperate, honestly.

Funny, you have now moved the goal posts from "forced" to "she feels pressured" without a single admission that you used the wrong word.

Look, I recognize that it's a weak endorsement, I'm not pretending it is something it's not. But, by definition, it's an endorsement; she publicly stated who she is voting for, revealing that she thinks the best way to cast her vote at this point is for harris. You just don't want to accept the definition of word of "endorsement" and now "forced." Endorsement doesn't mean you're over the moon ecstatic about the candidate. Plenty of right wings and conservatives have endorsed Harris, not because they agree with her policies but that they recognize what a disaster trump is for the country.

All it means is that you publicly show your support for a candidate...which she literally did by publicly saying she would vote for Harris.

Funny, you have now moved the goal posts from “forced” to “she feels pressured” without a single admission that you used the wrong word.

"I didn't force you to eat dog shit, you chose to do it of your own volition while I stood next to you with my gun to your head" 🤷

Lmao jesus christ. Is 'compelled' a better word, then? Her entire statement is about how she is explicitly not endorsing because of how shit kamala is, but if you'd like count that as an endorsement for your team then all the power to you, bud

She can not vote at all, vote for someone else on the ballot, or write in whoever she wants. There is no forcing here. Certainly she was not forced to announce her decision. You seem to keep ignoring that second part. Your attempt to paint her actions here as "forced like a gun was to her head" is actually as cringe a you claimed my argument is.

And I couldn't care less if this artist endorses Harris. I had never even heard of her before this and probably wouldn't have heard about this endorsement if it weren't for it making it here on lemmy. Your attempts to project your "taking sides" is your issue alone and not mine. I'm not the one who has, not once but twice, tried to paint her position as equivalent to having a gun to her head. You're the one who feels compelled to make objectively ridiculous arguments in order to defend your position.

And I couldn’t care less if this artist endorses Harris.

Well there ya go! Agreement!

I think we would agree on a lot. Even our disagreement here - a weak endorsement vs a non-endorsement - isn't that far off from one another.

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