Opinion: Harris’s agenda mirrors the Democratic Socialists of America

Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -50 points –

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No, there are plenty of genuine Greens and Socialists, no question about it. Quite a few post content on Lemmy without anyone bothering them.

You very specifically get a lot of heat though. This is due to how you interact in comment sections with people, and why you draw so much more heat than our entire instances of actual Marxist-Leninists.

So much this. And it’s precisely how you can tell he’s a troll despite the /c/politics mod’s refusal to acknowledge it.

And this poster's response to this was as predictable as the sun rising in the east, setting in the west, water rolling downhill, and Russell Wilson sitting on the bench for a different team while we pay for him. 🤣

You called this poster out properly, and the mods refusal to let us call a spade a spade here. Readers, I invite you to read the definition of a troll from Merriam-Webster: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content. The poster that constantly changes its name over and over again repeats it'll keep posting its content despite being soundly rejected over and over again, just so it can piss us off. I'm not asking for it to be removed, though I sure won't turn down such an outcome. But can we at least call a spade a spade where this poster is concerned?

I don't post to piss you off though. You just get pissed off. Big difference.

And yes, I will continue to post what I want, when I want, as this is a public forum. You are free to have your political views, and I am free to have mine.

Thanks for the kind words and I support your right to think whatever you want of me.

The reason the mods refuse "to acknowledge it" is because I'm not a troll. Just because you don't agree with and you don't like what I'm saying, doesn't make me a troll.

This community is about diverse political thought. It wasn't created to be an echo chamber in favor of one party.

Thank you!

Once again you intentionally miss the point. It’s your core competency.

I quoted your words, friend.


And I didn't miss the point at all. I told you that the mods don't think I'm a troll, regardless of how much you disagree with my political opinions.

They have removed plenty of my comments when they think I have gone too far. There is no favoritism shown towards me, nor would I ask for any.

I told you that the mods don't think I'm a troll

Ok? That’s what I said before you even joined the conversation. So did you think you were adding anything of value here?

Public forum. I am allowed to give my input. And I did, friend. Thanks!

As JSPA, I can say I'm not thrilled with your attitude on this forum.

And that doesn't bother me at all. Thank you!

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The poster you're replying to is very much designed to drive engagement, and any attention, good or bad, serves its purposes. I'd rather not feed this particular type of poster, but if we don't point out the flaws in its reasoning, we might lose a few of those genuine Greens and Socialists.

I don't disagree that voting in America is a pick between a steaming mug of donkey pee, and an elephant dung sandwich, and has been this way for decades. I'm even with you in that we should have a choice that doesn't include donkey pee and elephant dung. But the reality is you can't have 150 million different people in the world's largest picnic each get different food, so there HAS to be a limited menu to vote from, lest nobody can agree on what we're gonna eat and we all go hungry. And whatever has the most votes at the end of the day will be what we all eat, and unfortunately, that looks like it'll be between not just donkey pee and elephant dung, but that the elephant has a bad case of gastroenteritis and the bread on the sandwich is EXTREMELY mouldy, AND there are a crazy number of rabid fans of elephant dung sandwiches for some fucked up reason. There are also a lot of crazies who have a taste for donkey pee, but at least you can wash that down with a stiff alcoholic drink. The elephant diarrhoea with two mouldy pieces of bread, on the other hand, can't be gotten rid of except with a high-pressure wash. Since I don't want the elephant excrement consumers to dictate what I am doing, and there's not enough sane people in the world to offset the donkey pee or elephant dung choosers, I'll pick the lesser of two evils.

And I say this as someone who is already a lockin for Proposition 131 (Colorado's RCV) and who has voted third party in the past.

Yeah, I'm aware. I don't think additional engagement in here actually benefits his goals in the long run, though, so I'm more than happy to take advantage of the situation to discuss the finer points of internet trolling for the benefit of the broader community.

edit: I also actually enjoy this process somewhat, it reminds me of simpler times I suppose. lol

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Yeah? Because I refuse to change my mind? Beause I still haven't. Downvotes or not. I'll post what I want, where I want, when I want and I'll vote for who I want to. As I respect others rights to do the same. Thank you! :)

No, not because you won't change your mind, none of the Marxist-Leninists change their minds on a lot of stuff and still don't draw much heat. Something else.

Why would I care what you or anyone else thinks about other socialists? I have the freedom to believe what I want, vote for who I want, and think for myself.

I’m sure some socialists agree with me, and some don’t.

That’s fine—everyone’s entitled to their own view. You have yours too, and I respect your right to that, but I’m not going to change what I believe just because you don’t like it. Thank you, friend! :)

Just correcting your thought. You like to frequently talk about how persecuted you are for your beliefs, but this is a red herring you lay down, since other people that post pro-socialist content do not get the same reaction as you. If this deflection is intentional, then you're just lying.

Since other people get different reactions for posting the same sort of content you post, it must not be about the content. Some other aspect of your behavior, perhaps, that has nothing to do with being pro-socialist or critical of democrats. Personally I think it's your incessant engagement in trolling behavior, but that's just my own view that I am fully entitled to, of course. :)

See, I didn't ask you to change, I'm just making sure the record is correct. The only one talking about you changing ... is you.

Why would I let your opinions—or anyone else’s on Lemmy—dictate what I believe? Everyone’s free to think what they want, just as I’m free to do the same.

Personally I think it’s your incessant engagement in trolling behavior,

And personally I don't think I'm engaging in trolling behavior. That’s my view that I am fully entitled to, of course. :)

Feel free to block me if you are tired of reading my posts or responding.

I don't care if you think I'm a troll. I'm gonna post what I want, where I want, when I want. As is my right. I don't have to explain anything to you if I don't want to.

I'm not going anywhere. Thanks, friend! :)

See, there's your subtle lie again. I'm not trying to dictate your beliefs, I'm just pointing out patterns. You can believe them or not as you wish. I'm not trying to control you, I'm making sure information is provided to the community. I'm not trying to force you to explain anything, or abuse you, I'm not persecuting you. I'm just disagreeing with you, that's it. All the persecution is in that cute little head of yours.

Oh, I have no interest in blocking you. I'd much rather watch you and use you as an educational example. A lot of people on here are ignorant of more advanced trolling techniques, which makes them vulnerable. A small silver lining of your existence is that you help remedy this.

I’m not trying to dictate your beliefs

I didn't say you were. Do you think that everytime I point out something or say something, it's some little lie or deceit to trick you! lmao

I’m not trying to control you

Because you can't. :)

I’m just disagreeing with you, that’s it.

Cool! I'm disagreeing with you too. So are we friends now?!

I’d much rather watch you and use you as an educational example.

I love that you think of me so much and are so interested in me! Thank you!!

A lot of people on here are ignorant of more advanced trolling techniques, which makes them vulnerable.

I'm not sure what you mean. Who is trolling here? Why are you being so vague?

Sure you did. Right here:

Why would I let your opinions—or anyone else’s on Lemmy—dictate what I believe?

To which I responded that I am simply disagreeing with you, not trying to "dictate your beliefs". That's your persecution lie, a bit of a cornerstone of your persona on here.

I still haven't fully settled on if you're doing it intentionally or you're just really, really Christian. The persecution complex is extremely common in the devout, stemming from their stories about the early days of the church. But yes, I suspect you probably are a troll.

Sure you did. Right here: Why would I let your opinions—or anyone else’s on Lemmy—dictate what I believe?

That's not a lie. That's a question. And a valid one. :)

To which I responded that I am simply disagreeing with you, not trying to “dictate your beliefs”.

And I responded to that by saying that I disagree with you. And I asked if we could be friends now.

I still haven’t fully settled on if you’re doing it intentionally or you’re just really, really Christian.

Soooo now you are bringing religion into it? Wow. Ok. But since I have my beliefs in username and profile, I can respond to that. I'm actually a Mormon Satanist. :)

And again, I don't care if you think I'm a troll. I know I'm not. The mods here know I'm not, which is why I haven't been banned.

It’s clear you’re frustrated because you haven’t convinced me to change my mind on anything, and now you’re just trying to label me.

In fact, not only have you not changed my mind, you have strengthened my resolve not to vote Democrat, because I associate you and other hateful people with Democrats now and I want no part of that party. Ever.

So, ironically, you’ve actually made me more determined to stay true to my convictions.

See? You're doing great, friend!

See, there it is again. I have not asked you to change your convictions, the only one who keeps bringing that up is you. All I'm doing is point out some logic and giving an opinion here and there. Your continued attempts to deflect do not change that.

I mean, you asked. It's just one possibility for why you blame everything on the Lemmyverse being against you and not just owning up to your own bad behavior when you do it.

Did I ever ask you to vote democrat? No, I simply pointed out that of the many, many other socialists on here, only you generate this degree of heat. That's just a fact. We have instances full of them, and people are usually fine with them, even though they're very consistently critical of democrats.

edit: Oh, and a question can be a lie, by the way.

I have not asked you to change your convictions

Oh, but it's my opinion that you do want to do that. And we are free to have our opinions, remember?

Did I ever ask you to vote democrat?

So am I only allowed to say things when you ask them!?

Nah. I get to say what I want.

And yeah, I do think you're mad because I'm not. And I'm still not voting for her. And I won't.

And I don't care what other socialist think or the responses they get on Lemmy.

I'm not voting for your candidate. And neither is about half of the voting public.

And I'm going to keep posting what I want, where I want, when I want. As is my right. I'm not going anywhere. Thank you! :)

That's fine, there is no rule against making up lies in this community after all. Just don't expect me to not notice or something.

Sure, you can spin things however you want. I'm just going to continue to push for a harder, more factual understanding of things. There's enough bullshit, trolling and illogic on the internet as-is, we should try to maintain our spaces to a certain standard if we want to have nice things. Not that trolls like nice things, but the rest of us do anyway.

So I'm definitely not going to stop pointing out that your haunted mind keeps fabricating me trying to convince you to vote democrat when I'm talking about trolling technique on the internet.

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And again, I don't care if you think I'm a troll. I know I'm not. The mods here know I'm not.

Hmm, are you sure about that? https://lemmy.world/modlog?page=1&actionType=ModRemoveComment&userId=9454261

I count five comments removed in just the past two days and three of those are specifically for trolling. I think that probably means the mods know you’re trolling. If you’re not willing to acknowledge that, I would suggest that factor into their adjudication of future complaints about your behavior.

The implication I meant, was that I haven't been banned for trolling, because the mods don't think I'm a troll. Good catch, I'll edit to clarify.

Most of my comments that were removed were in response to someone engaging in the same action as me. And theirs got removed too. The entire conversation was counted as trolling.

Funny how you left out that information. That's ok tho, I have some screenshots to help ya out:

Oh good, you do know how to read the modlog! Great job, bud! Just wanted to make sure.

So you do admit that you troll sometimes? And since moderation is imperfect, the implication is that you’ve trolled more often than you’ve been moderated for. I wonder what the ratio is? Maybe you could provide some insight into how much more often? That would probably help the mods calibrate any needed changes for the good of the community. Wow, you and me helping the greater good! Huzzahs all around!

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