US judge demoted after detaining teenage girl during field trip to courtroom to – 410 points –
US judge demoted after detaining teenage girl during field trip to courtroom

Judge faces lawsuit after forcing student to put on jail garments and handcuffs and enter isolated holding cell

A Detroit judge who briefly detained a teenage girl who fell asleep in his courtroom during a school field trip to learn about the justice system was demoted to presiding over traffic court as he faces a federal lawsuit.

Judge Kenneth King was moved to the state court’s traffic division after the incident on 13 August. King was temporarily removed from the bench as he completed mandatory training following his actions.

“We appreciate his efforts in preparing for this role, and wish him success as he transitions into this new responsibility,” said the chief judge, William McConico, in a statement.


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Demoted for illegally kidnapping a child. Wild. Better than nothing I guess.

He's an elected judge. I don't know Michigan's laws but there might not be much more that can be done by the court administration themselves. I personally also took Chief Judge McConico's statement as a tactful 'fuck you' to Judge King.

Yep. Everyone wants blood but can't get past the fact that there are laws and procedures.

Innocent until proven guilty in matters of law, for better AND for worse.

Ya, that's only when you are on trial, and he isn't on trial or even being legally charged with a crime. There is also a video of the incident, so there really is zero ambiguity here.

Yeah I'm not at all surprised it happened, I am surprised there was some sort of consequence, weak as it is.