FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot

Jeena@piefed.jeena.net to Technology@lemmy.world – 121 points –
GitHub - 2Retr0/GodotOceanWaves: FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot

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Are we really at that point, where people in here don’t even bother with a title for their lazy ass post anymore?

Asshat with three posts calling other people lazy

I mean those are at least real posts with a title and text in the body.

This is just a link that got dumped without any context.

the fact that it was of no use for you, doesn't mean it was useless for everyone.

I can't imagine that anybody has a use for this to begin with. There is literally nothing to tell us what it is.

There is no title and no content. Not even a brief description telling the reader what it is they are looking at.

  1. The title literally tells everything about what it is
  2. If you're still not getting what it is, then click on the effng link dude, it's github, it won't bite you
  3. Godot is quite mainstream, and there's a non-zere chance somebody will need it. I myself, even tho i'm not using godot, am still interested in this repo, because cg is kinda my hobby, and i like to grasp how things like these are made.

You just sound like a grumpy old man. "What!? An actual technology in my !technology@lemmy.world !? Outrageous! Back in my day we threw rocks at stuff like that!"

Damn a link on a link aggregator

it's technically a link aggregator yes.

In practice it's more of a discussion platform or forum, with the accompanying expectations of having readily available content or at least a description of said content.

You literally have no posts, and your account is 14 days old.

the title is literally there...

I see no title, its just a link with no context whatsoever.

is your lemmy client working right? it should look right from the web app.

It probably isn’t. The webview grabs the title directly from github. Thanks