What’s the craziest or most outrageous (maybe even NSFW) incident that led to someone being fired from your workplace?

merari42@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 180 points –

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Figured this out some time back. Firing a manager is an admission of failure by someone even higher.

Not always. Some people change once they get power, I've seen 2 supervisors go that way. Awesome co-workers, cunts to work under.

Also, not everyone that is good at a job has the personality to be in management. I've found myself in several management roles before I realized I absolutely hate being responsible for other peoples' work and am just not cut out for it.

I use those people that I used to work with as a "what not to do" guide.

Sometimes I want to say to staff "You keep up shit like this and you wont have a job much longer" but I remember how fast people turned on that guy, so instead I have a sit down with them and say "I cant keep not reporting this stuff, its going to risk MY job. So I need you to lift your game because we're friends and all but I'm not going to get fired to protect you and once I start reporting it up the chain, I cant fo anything to protect you"

This is true and I've seen it. However, I still think that it's possible someone above didn't want to acknowledge that they were a bad read of character. That's how it felt in the situation I saw firsthand anyway.

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