How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow. to No Stupid – 270 points –

I know the obvious of being polite and respectful. do I show up early like an airport? Do I just show the guard my ticket? Anything I should know or be aware of?


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If you haven't already renewed your license, do not drive yourself to court. I know that probably sounds obvious, but people still manage to get in trouble doing that. I'd actually recommend taking an Uber or something if your license is still expired; you can get a ride from a friend, but an Uber will at least give you a receipt that you can present to the court in case it gets brought up (and they will ask "How did you get here today?" if you're still expired).

I thought of that. I saw the viral video with that dude driving during his video court.

I was going to walk. It's a small town and I walk a lot as a hobby anyway.

Since I realized my license was expired I've been walking to work and to the store. Again it's a very small town and I can walk just about everywhere.

However if they are going to ask I might want some can't afford an Uber right now but maybe I could take some pictures of my walk? Or take the bus just to have a bus ticket?

They won’t ask you to prove that you didn’t drive to court.

They will ask how you got there. Don't lie if they catch you in a lie that is bad. Walking is fine tell them they can send an officer to verify your car is at home. Move it to the driveway if in a garrage - don't move it off you property though. They probably won't check but make it easy if they do check.

You can offer that your car is not parked in the parking lot. No one will check but if there are cameras they have the option of checking later.

He lives in a small town. Odds are much higher they check.

Ever underestimate a hired cop. At least it’s not a warrant Wednesday.

However if they are going to ask I might want some can't afford an Uber right now but maybe I could take some pictures of my walk? Or take the bus just to have a bus ticket?

Film your entire walk to court

Proving that you did something wrong is on them. If you walk, they’ll see that you arrived on foot and that’s good enough. (They’ll have all the lot entrances with plate reading cameras, so they can tell if you’re driving.)

It’s sufficient to just walk, they won’t be able to prove that you drove in since, well, you didn’t.

But, eh, bored cops might like to double check. You might be able to finagle a lift home if they do.

Where I live, phones and cameras aren't allowed in magistrate court.

The burden of proof is on them. IANAL, but I would advise against trying to prove anything. If you want to argue against something then the burden of proof is on them and they don't have it, so just shut up and sit quietly and respectfully.