Georgia Supreme Court dismisses Trump bid to shut down Fulton County probe to politics – 302 points –
Georgia Supreme Court dismisses Trump bid to shut down Fulton County probe | CNN Politics

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I bet $20 that trump won't get convicted of anything. But I also bet $20 that he flees to russia if he does.

But I also bet $20 that he flees to russia

Man, I've been expecting him to do that since before Biden's inauguration day.

Frankly, I'm amazed that so little has happened since Jan 6. By this amount of time after the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler had already been arrested, tried, convicted, wrote his manifesto, and released.

Yeah, I fully expected him to be on a plane to Russia as Biden was being sworn in, so he could start calling himself President-in-Exile.

Given what he knows, who he could hurt, and how bad he is at keeping his mouth shut, I would havw thought somebody would have slipped him some polonium tea by now.

Putin is distracted. Much cheaper, should it come to that, to pay one of the Trump fail-children to smother daddy with a pillow.

Exactly! That would've been the smart thing to do both in terms of protecting himself from prosecution and from playing up the persecuted martyr angle to push the "Biden is illegitimate" narrative and gain even more support from his base, I think.

I still can't decide if the fact that he failed to do that is because he was making a mistake, or because his apparent confidence that he wouldn't actually be held accountable was a more correct assessment of America than mine. The longer all this drags on without an arrest, the more worried I am that it's the latter!

The Germans are known for their efficiency

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The Secret Service will not let that happen.

I thought most of his protection detail were true believer conservatives? I think they'd either applaud and go with him, or he'd give them the slip. Via the application of brown envelopes full of cash.

The case is rock solid. But in 12 people there’s probably a nut case cultist. That said, there’s no way the feds let him get to Russia. Trump will count on a pardon. And he’ll probably get it, if he doesn’t die first.

Only the governor of the state can issue a pardon for state crimes. It doesn't look like the current governor is going to do that.

NY? The NY the violations in this that indictment has no recommendations for jail time.

The only indictment with jail time in the sentencing guidelines are the federal indictments. Sentencing guidelines call for a 10-20 years on those charges.

The article is about the charges in Georgia.

The comments you are replying to aren’t about hypothetical charges in Georgia that don’t exist. They’re about all and any charges.

You're the only person in this thread talking about New York, it seems. But okay, if you say so.

People you are replying to in this thread are about the indictments in general. They discussing whether the charged stick, etc. Then you brought up state charges. The only state charges that exist are in NY, that’s why I mentioned them in response. There’s no charges in GA, and there might never be.

Also, a sitting president is 100% insulated from state authorities while in office. So unless the trial takes less than a years time, which it won’t, and never does, it won’t matter if he wins. At least not until Jan 22 of 2029. By then the damage will be done.

Perhaps you initially responded to the wrong comment? 'Cause I don't see it.

The comment I am replying to doesn’t specify GA. No one but you specified GA, and I don’t see why you would since there’s no charges there.

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