Amazon announces first Kindle ever with color screen, retailing for $279 to – 172 points –
Amazon announces first Kindle ever with color screen, retailing for $279

I still have an old Kindle and it still gets months of battery life. I occasionally read comics so this may get me to upgrade.


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I don't understand what the point is with having an e-reader with a colour screen when the screen is so small. Anything I read that would benefit from a colour screen is either a PDF or a comic, and those suffer from tiny letters on a screen under 10 inches.

Or is there a lot of newer books that have images and such that aren't PDF/CBR based?

pdfs don't have a hard-set text size, and cbr/cbz is just a bunch of jpegs in a rar or zip file, respectively. the first one is a non-issue if you reflow and the second one can be zoomed in to. granted, neither is ideal, but it's workable.

personally i've kept it to comics in pocket format.

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