Do people become less of a twat as they age? to – 80 points –

Or should I lose hope in humanity completely now?


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In my experience, old age only amplifies person's traits - if you were nice, you are going to be extra nice because of all the stress leaving your day to day. If you were a cunt, you are going to be extra cunty because now you will be blaming people left and right for all the errors in your life. That's my experience though.


plus people surround themselves with similar people, so as people become extra cunty they associate with extra cunt types.

Never a truer word spoken - > you can always tell a person by the company they keep.

Heard that when I was a teenager.

I think people can grow and change. I personally used to be quite cunty. Mostly because I was self conscious and - ironically - sought validation. Now, I'm less that way. Thanks to therapy, self work, and medication. I like to think I'm nice, but I know I can still have an edge from time to time. I like to think I'll continue to improve as time goes on!