Sorting by "Hot" results in posts all around 20+ hours old to Lemmy.World – 157 points –

Is this normal? Seems like "Hot" would refer to posts within the last ~6 hours or so...


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Turn off your NSFW setting in your user profile.

Or just subscribe to communities you do want to see, then use the subscribed tab.

I've opened a GitHub issue asking for a way to hide NSFW communities in All (without having to turn off NSFW entirely)

The problem with subscribing to communities at this point is the lack of content. I subscribed to a few different baseball communities, but none of them have anything other than maybe a welcome post or a few gameday posts without any comments. Communities are duplicated on a bunch of different instances too, which makes things a million times harder than it needs to be. I have no idea if one of the half dozen baseball communities I'm in now will make it big, if a new one entirely will make it big, or if they're all doomed to never have content.

Eh, Reddit had similar problems in the earliest days. One will win out. Not ideal, but it will get better.

I'm trying to post at least once everyday on my local community to help build the interest. Someone has to make the content haha. Try to do the same. It doesn't really matter which one you pick, just keep posting to it. You can subscribe to them all and comment on them all.

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I think the NSFW tag has to be more sharp, like only literal porn or gore is tagged NSFW. One of the most frustrating thing on r*ddit was that regular memes or text posts would get tagged as NSFW just for containing a swear word or something, so turning NSFW completely off would hide a ton of regular stuff too.

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