Google restricting internet access to some employees to reduce cyberattack risk

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Google restricting internet access to some employees to reduce cyberattack risk

The company will disable internet access on the select desktops, with the exception of internal web-based tools and Google -owned websites like Google Drive and Gmail. Some workers who need the internet to do their job will get exceptions, the company stated in materials.

In addition, some employees will have no root access, meaning they won’t be able to run administrative commands or do things like install software.


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Not surprising Google can't handle tech security. I can't be bothered to look more into the report, but it sure sounds like they don't know tech. They're a marketing firm.

That honestly just sounds like they're going after more government contracts. Gov't compliance can sometimes require asinine security controls because they expect the users are the weakest link in every design. That can sometimes be true, but when folks are developing things you sometimes have to let them make foot guns or they can't build things.

Not just government. The security questionnaires from companies of all types I had to complete in my last job were insane. If you're sharing data between organizations in any way, infosec and legal departments get very uppity these days.

just need that one idiot to fall for obvious scam mails and your security is compromised

Then vote for Google. I just commented for the (non-)tech, not the politics.