People who haven't gotten into habit of googling stuff in the last 20 years might not get into it at all anymore because of how search engines are gamed with SEO spam tactics nowadays to – 835 points –

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The sad thing is the Reddit Links probably contain the most useful answers that google will show you

I know. But I'll use them as a last resort

Use them, costs bandwidth and CPU cycles.

Yes but it will be offset by traffic boosts for advertisers

Use an adblocker. Unless, you mean people go on the internet without using protection?

That won't make a difference. Reddit knows how much traffic they get and they use that number to sell ads

They do. Either due to technical ineptitude (like approximately everyone's parents) or, and that might be worse, with the conviction of doing "the right thing," like a friend of mine.

Junk data that costs the advertisement without a return on investment

That's not how it works. Reddit is able to even get interest because of traffic counts. Same for IPO values