Portuguese tourist assaulted by Turkish police, jailed for 20 days for "looking gay"

Odusei@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 924 points –

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Sounds like another shit hole country I will avoid like the plague.

Any government / country entangled with religious nutjobs is to be avoided.

Including large swaths of the US. Florida is looking pretty sketch lately.

Exactly, no-one is immune. Religion is a cancer everywhere

Yes. There was a time when I. as a young man, wanted to at least visit the good ole US and A. Back then I didn't have the money. Now when I probably could afford it, I don't have the desire anymore.

There's still places worth visiting. Major cities like New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, even Atlanta is largely insulated from the rest of Georgia's nutjob influence.

If you'd rather be outdoors, the U.S. has some spectacular parks and wild spaces. Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Arches, the Everglades, damn near anywhere in Alaska and Hawai'i...