Should I be aware of something when buying a TV? to – 68 points –

Hey guys, so I moved recently and started tipping my toes in self-hosting, currently managed to set up Pihole and Jellyfin.

I'm thinking of buying a TV to start enjoying all these cool services over my living room. The thing is, I'm pretty much an absolute beginner, and I'm not sure if there is something I should be aware of when buying a TV.

Since it is a fairly big spend, I would really hate to be locked out of it because of some greedy corporate garbage or something, especially since I would use it only for self-hosting, and I am aware TVs are particularly messy when it comes to this (never have bought one in my life). Could you guys help this lost kid?


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Avoid smart TVs, prefer large screen. IIRC the LG brand was less bad than the others. Samsung is the worst since they put ads on top of your own videos. Anyway, never plug it to the internet, never put the wifi password.

It seems impossible to buy a dumb TV now adays. The second best thing is to just opt out of the smart TV features of your TV, then buy yourself a reputable android TV box.

I saw a tip a while back that you could search for "commercial display panel" or something and buy high-quality dumb TVs with a few HDMI inputs and that's about it. They're designed for restaurants or shops, so they're reliable and good looking, but dead simple.

I don't honestly remember if that was the right phrase, though.

All the most recent OLEDs are smart TVs, the only thing I could think of that isn’t are basically things classified as digital signage but these panels aren’t really tuned for watching at home.

But your best bet is to use the TV as a display for whatever you have and switching inputs old school style. Connect it once to do software updates. Unplug from wall and don’t give it your wifi password or vlan it off the internet. Otherwise they’re all sending data back about you, and your consumption habits.

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I have an LG TV and was OK with it, but then I read this news recently: .

Looks like nothing/nobody escapes capitalism.

There is a certain pattern. Cautious people tell others something like "don't buy a voice assisstant"/"don't spend money on crypto-currency"/"don't get a Facebook account"/"don't buy a smart TV" for very good reasons, others don't listen, then the vendors get even shittier or more obviously shitty and hurt the people who didn't listen.

I've heard the others but this is the first time I've heard not to spend crypto. What's the reasoning behind that?

Can you explain why do you advise to avoid internet?

Smart TVs will collect your personal info and viewing habits and send it to the manufacturer of they're given half a chance

Some scummy brands will even configure their TVs to automatically and silently connect to open wifi networks to phone home

Yes, usually they know your name (you have to register) and which apps (or HDMI ports if you do not run apps) you run and for how long. That's about it. Google knows way, way more about me.

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