Help defend our banner on /r/place! We are at -811,14. to – 163 points –

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I think that getting "fuck u/spez" and ads for the competition all over it is a big win, personally. They are getting a bunch of negative press from this.

There's no such thing as bad press. All negative press means is that people are talking about it and that's engagement.

You want to give Reddit bad press? Stop posting links to Lemmy. Start posting links to fetish porn.

There are people doing that sorta stuff too if you wanna join them. Some QR codes up there.

What press are we talking about? For shareholders, it's all about people engaging with Reddit so they can use machine learning to target ads to people. r/place is an experiment in how to encourage that engagement to make more money for shareholders.

The best way to influence the IPO is not to engage.

It’s a more modern type of marketing that could be considered controversial marketing. Gets people talking, and it works unfortunately.

Here I am engaging with you because of it.

Now if you could set up a huge bot-net and make the whole thing an obscene picture it will make impact. But I doubt that’s legal and all so don’t do that. Staying off seems to work for me, but I need some filter to remove that site from links here. It’s not very interesting for me to know what happens there. If it was I’d be there

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