The fight over Alabama's congressional redistricting now shifts back to federal court to politics – 111 points –
The fight over Alabama's congressional redistricting now shifts back to federal court

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So my own personal experience is "stupid" to you? Nothing in my entire posting history indicates anything other than I care about humanity and fighting back against racism and bigotry.

I don't know why you people are so evil but you seriously need to grow up. I expect a higher level of discussion here than on reddit where half the commenters would just jerk off with dumb reddit upvotes from snappy "one liners"

Did you expect the same acceptance for empty words and unfounded claims too? You dont have a base right to get a proper reply, you have to earn it by making a good point (thats worth debating) in the first place.

Here is a pointer to where you wemt wrong: painting a picture as if this is lets say the dem fault, rather than the rampaging elephant in the room, the gop. Its an old method of "arguing", and if you want to be taken seriously, should have picked a different tactic. But you didnt so... here we are.

Why should people end to your utterly dishonest standards if they want a decent discussion?

Because you people have no standards. We require you actually have evidence or facts before we listen. It's why out of all your comments you've posted here you have yet to actually say anything of worth.

Funny how you say this despite utterly lacking evidence or facts yourself. I guess you'd have no standards at all if not for double standards

Your sheer lack of self awareness with surprising. I haven't made any claims that need backing up or evidence. I haven't made any claims here aside from pointing out your lack of evidence and your hypocrisy.

Dishonest? Nice claim, care to back it up? If you can?

The standard is simple; provide something beyond a surface level claim. Or at least make an effort to make the claim seem reasonable. In this example, the original commenter you've jumped to defend portrays the dems as if its all their fault... but is it? As mentioned, there is the figurative elephant (gop) in the room, and all the shit they do, but ... No, the focus was on having selected biden. Not only that but also implying the blm marches were the root cause. But what about the reason for the marches? Or the actions by the elephant? Its not that the context doesnt exist just because, we all know it does. So, to then argue as if that context is gone... why should we take that as a serious and legit addition to the conversation, when its really not?

Its also amusing to see you call me/us "dishonest", as it seems to be the exact thing you are currently doing. Theres a word for this, and it is, besides being a tried and true tactic of the elephant: projection. Accusing others of what you yourself are or have been doing yourself.

So how about it?

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We expect a higher level of discussion as well, which is why you are being downvoted and ignored. Troll elsewhere

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