Is there any evidence that Reddit has suffered at all from the exodus to Lemmy? to Ask – 802 points –

Was there even a mass exodus? I largely avoid Reddit now, but I do kind of doubt that they've been hurt in any meaningful way by all the protests and people leaving...


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Realistically, no. It would also be quite a stretch to assume everyone who created accounts here no longer checks reddit and stopped using it. I know I personally still use both.

Same. However, my reddit usage has decreased significantly. I used to spend 1-2 hours there every day (which was waaaay too much), now I spend 5-10 minutes on reddit at best. The terrible mobile design drives me away because it keeps nagging me to use their app. On the other hand, I also only use lemmy maybe 15-20 minutes per day.

So in total, the stupid decisions of reddit have improved my digital well-being because I spend less time mindlessly scrolling.

Uh....thanks, spez?

1-2 hours? I was probably spending 3-4 hours a day doomscrolling on Reddit. Now I don't browse there at all. I'll still use Reddit if I google something and the answer to my question is a Reddit post, but I literally do not doomscroll there anymore.

Yeah I just use old.Reddit, even on mobile. It’s a bit cumbersome so I just do a quick scan and then I’m usually done.

I use Memmy here and it’s really similar to Apollo. I find myself on Lemmy at least 4X more time than Reddit

We exist though. I nuked my account and haven't gone back even once. My wife sent me a link to something there yesterday but I made her send me a screenshot instead. That's the closest I've been in about 2 weeks. I don't care of it hurts Reddit, I'm sure it doesn't given how many millions use the site, but they did me wrong even before all this shit so I'm done.

First I didn't delete my account which I had since 2006, but after spending a month on Lemmy I slowly stopped Reddit and then I felt ok with deleting it together with my Twitter account.