Is there any evidence that Reddit has suffered at all from the exodus to Lemmy? to Ask – 803 points –

Was there even a mass exodus? I largely avoid Reddit now, but I do kind of doubt that they've been hurt in any meaningful way by all the protests and people leaving...


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So what's the solution to blow this joint and start a new paradigm? Television killed radio. Blogs and streaming killed television. Current social media killed blogs. If the fediverse isn't the solution, then what's going to kill and replace current 2010s era social media? And don't say short form video, because that was cool for maybe a decade before the big corpos started pushing it and it was no longer cool.

Decentralized social media seems like the logical next step. And all major platforms seem to either have users going that way (Reddit, Twitter) or are themselves going that way (Mark Fuckerberg's bullshit)

I sure hope you're right. Decentralization won't solve all the issues of course, and will cause its own problems, but it will hopefully be at least a little better the the chain of walled gardens and outrage- and clickbait-driven cesspool that the internet is right now.