Well shit. That should be it folks, I’m here now

Retirix_YT@lemmy.ml to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 171 points –

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I didn’t do anything mean to anyone, but, like the idiot I am, I liked one of my main account comments with my alt accounts which got me a three day suspension on my main for vote manipulation (fairs) but then like a fuckin removed I used one of those alts in the meantime which then got me a permanent ban for violating their suspension policy. Damn

Deserved tbh

Yeah upvoting your own comments is cunty as fuck and a bit sad. No wonder Reddit is dying lol

Oh believe me a ban is completely understandable, I don’t disagree at all.

I liked one of my comment with my two alts, though I don’t even know why because it as was already on 100 likes anyway.

Phwoar you must be really popular

Treating me like I just committed murder bro I I’m sorry I know it was bad 😭

Pls forgive me

I know

Though I do think permanent is bit harsh, considering it literally IP bans me from ever interacting with Reddit again. It was two alts :(

IPs change, so it's not a long term issue. Also, who even gives a shit about minor sockpuppet sort of bullshit. I'm glad they're spending admin time on such worthless shih.


Well, happy you're here!


Well, happy you're here!