Fired Tesla Employee Posts New Video of Full Self-Driving Running Red Light to – 431 points –
Fired Tesla Employee Posts New Video Of Full Self-Driving Running A Red Light

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He was prolly fired bc he couldn't program the thing to stop at a red light.

Also who knows when this footage was taken or if it was just test footage that has since been ironed out.

Nice try Elon.

But for legit, do you have information to refute what I said?

Or you could - oh, I don't know - read the article you are commenting on... it says he was a test operator and not a programmer.

Oh lol well then yeah, this is like releasing footage of a half baked game and claiming its buggy. Of course it is.

That's not how burden of proof works.

Do you have information to back up what you said?

Just the fact that you think programming a car to stop at a red light is a one man task is enough to show how much you know about what you're talking about

If you had read the article you'd know his job was "advanced driver assistance systems test operator". His job was to test the cars, not program them.