What is a secret that you will never tell anyone in the real world?

Lanky_Pomegranate530@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 81 points –

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Hell, I wouldn't tell it here as well. It's going to the grave with me.

But maybe you could explain the secret of your username? Is it unicode for the chinese word "乏" which means poor/tired? Is it some magic number or boot signature? I need to know!!


It's just NO in hex... sorry the mystery isn't deeper.

Oh right... I went into full conspiracy mode when it should have been pretty obvious. (Or maybe you just want us to believe that...)

Maybe... but I guess you'll never know.

Hmm... if you convert each byte to little endian floating point, you'll get a latitude/longitude of 1.09301/1.10702. And those coordinates lead to a point right in the north atlantic ocean. Is this where you hid the body?! gestures wildly

Same. Nothing super earth shattering, but sometimes it's good to let sleeping dogs lay asleep.

I actually don't have secrets. All the worst stuff I have ever done, the most important people in my life know about. They don't know I'm seriously in CNC, but that's not because I wouldn't tell them. But because they wouldn't want to know.

Yeah, that might fly with friends, try your family or your wife.

Well my wife did it with me (as does my girlfriend now). But I wouldn't tell my family because they don't care.