Former childcare worker from Gold Coast charged with more than 1,600 child sex offences to World – 183 points –
Former childcare worker charged with 1,623 child abuse offences against 91 children

Trigger warning, take the headline at face value, it only gets much much worse.


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Opinion: Did not think this would ever be a headline. Why keep this level of pure evil alive at great expense and continued suffering to victims and society at large. Even the horrendous duty of police having to trawl through so much material is unthinkable.

Life imprisonment is actually cheaper than the death penalty, all things considered. See e.g.

Also more of a punishment, they don't like Rock Spiders/Pedophiles in Australian prisons anymore than they do in US prisons.

Or you can get free labor out of them like in America, try that first with the pedos!

/s but not really. Throw the book at all convicted pedos. One of the few cases i think a death penalty is excusable. When they for sure shouldn't be re-integrated into society. Utilitarianism. We're better off with this monster dead imo.

His fellow prisoners will make his short life torturous don't worry about that.

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