Reddit CEO Digs In Heels As User Outrage Engulfs Website to Lemmy.World – 1158 points –
Reddit CEO Digs In Heels As User Outrage Engulfs Website

Wow. Front page of right now. Interesting...


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Oh well, here I am, glad to join this ship. I just want a reliable place I can further geek out on mechanical keyboards, memes and news. I hope we migrate somewhere cause reddit does not look like it has a bright future.

Welcome! I'm super stoked to be here, too. And each day this community seems to grow stronger.

I agree that reddit's future looks weak. The API change was horrible. Spez's approach to the whole thing was even worse: condescending, disingenuous, and hostile.

And the more I think about it, the less I see any hope for reddit as a place I want to spend time. This isn't just one bad episode. Once the company goes public, there's going to be more shit like this. The site will slowly gut itself for perceived short-term gains, over and over again.

No thanks.

the problem with shareholders is that they always and forever need to see a chart that's in a growing trend. That line is getting kind of stagnant there mate how you gonna please us? What makes this problematic is that there will be a finite number of users for this infinitely growing service, sooner or later growth will have to slow and this does NOT please the shareholder. Where are the gains bro? I was promised gains.

Not always, but it is when you go public. I work a lot at small businesses, lots of them have shareholders who are mostly hands-off, or would prefer a more conservative approach to protect their investment.

People who invest in non-public businesses are usually in for the long haul, and come with much greater risk.

But when you go public, your business just comes a commodity, nothing but a vehicle for a fund manager to use to try and get a higher return for their clients so they get more business and commission.

In theory, it's a really democratic system, but the reality is that we've lost track of what an investment is meant to be, and the number of private individuals actually holding shares in a company directly is very low, it's mostly fund managers who literally just want to pump their numbers for a few years, because long term, they never really beat the market.

Agreed. I have seen time and time again companies going public and turning I to a steaming pile of crap. I have no doubt the ads are going to get worse and they are going to continue to make bad decisions. It's all about exponential profit now.

One good thing about the blackout is it brought this place to my attention. Made quitting reddit so much easier.

Do you know if old.reddit is going to be vanquished as well?

When I talked to my Discord group, they asked for a source. Ironically, I can't access the threads with all the logistical explanations of why old.reddit would be eliminated (because... they've gone private), and while yes, an official source/confirmation would actually give them cause to be angry (I totally get it - no one wants to think they can't use old.reddit any longer), it's frustrating to see they're not accepting it.

I can imagine one reason being no support for in-line video ads, when scrolling down a subreddit or the homepage

Right now the ads are limited to a tiny image and a title on old.reddit. There was also a traditional squarish ad space on the right hand side IIRC but I've never seen an ad in there...

I really don't know. I definitely recall Spez saying it's safe. But it seems like we'd be wise to not trust a word he says.

Ooh is there a mechanical keyboards lemmy yet??

Ooh is there a mechanical keyboards lemmy yet??

Just fyi, when posting links to communities, you should just use the "/c/" without the link to the instance. Like this: /c/

This is similar to how those links were done on reddit (/r/). The problem with your link is that it is instance specific, which is really helpful for anyone in your instance, but anyone in a different instance will be thrown out of their instance if they click it (they'll be unable to subscribe).

When I click your link, I'm getting kicked out of Jerboa...

me too, but still helpful advice for web users

just remember that jerboa is very much in alpha and needs more developers to implement the finer stuff like this. the guy currently working on it is also a developer of lemmy itself, so he doesnt have much time for the app. if you happen to have some android dev knowledge, please see if you could contribute!

I wanted to get into android dev space but I don't have a computer powerful enough.

oh shoot, I'm not familiar with it at all myself and didn't know it needed you to have decent specs.

out of curiosity, what sort of specs are required at bare minimum and why? I'm guessing maybe for the android emulator to work properly, though in this age of insane, bloated electron software, anything could be the culprit, even the IDE :')

According to most delvopers, you need at least 8gbs of ram and a half decent CPU. For best results 16+GB of ram is better running the emulator. You can thank google getting jetbeans to make the IDE for the language (kotlin)

dark times for people who think software should (gasp!) actualy be efficient in its use of system resources and not require you to buy a new machine every 5 years. we're heading the wrong way, and don't remotely seem to be slowing down.

the worst example is web development; it's gotten to the point that people are installing "desktop apps" that are in essence separate copies of chromium that only work on one website. when did software start going backwards, and how to stop it?

Oh god do I ever hate electron. I don't subscribe to the ideal of replacing my computer or phone all the time. I have a laptop from 2008 I just got from my father I am using as a windowless Linux machine to tinker with, and a Chromebook from 2014 that I have removed the stock chrome OS thanks to mrchromebox with a open UEFI bootloader that i use for my main stuff. I plan on getting a pinephone or a used pixel 4a so I can put Debian touch or a similar full mobile Linux OS. I am tired of JavaScript eating up tons of ram, its nuts.

damn, nice setup! mine isnt quite as impressive... i just run linux mint on my laptop (with the default proprietary bootloader :p) still so much better than windows though. i wonder if coreboot/libreboot supports my device...

agreed on fuck js. if only more sites looked like

Thanks! I also have a old HP SFF desktop rhat was given to me from a friend becuase it was "broken". Turns out the OS was just effed and needed somthing new. Its very low spec though. Libreboot is supported on more Chromebooks then actual laptops. I'd check that out though and yours might be.

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One on and one on But Lemmy's moderator labeled as "deleted by user" even though community is more active compared to one over kbin

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