Worldcoin suspended in Kenya as thousands queue for free money to World – 145 points –
Worldcoin suspended in Kenya as thousands queue for free money

The Kenyan government has ordered cryptocurrency project Worldcoin to stop signing up new users, citing data privacy concerns.


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So why do they want people's iris scans? Like they say it's an easy way to verify someone signing up is a real person but is there some other nefarious reason I'm missing here?

I want to know too. Can someone EILI5 for me? If I let this thing scan my eye, what’s the worst that could happen? And how is it worse than all the rest of my info that is out there?

To be clear, my working assumption is that there is a nefarious reason, it's just not immediately obvious to me what it is.

As someone else mentioned though, you could be a bit fucked if your eyeball data is used to identity fraud you, so perhaps not the best idea for a security standpoint

also isn't the weird orb thing supposed to be local-only? idk. I don't expect them to keep their promises when it's actually connected to the internet 24/7