Google Maps has become an eyesore. 5 examples of how the app has lost its way to – 185 points –

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OsmAnd will do that. If you edit the destinations you can manually specify their order. Click sort there and choose door-to-door to get the most efficient routing.

The app takes some getting used to, but it works very well, and can act as a front-end for contributing to OpenStreetsMap.

I'm trying it now, but it can't seem to find some common addresses that I visit. I'll attempt to use it, but so far it doesn't look promising.

It's based on Open Street Map and sadly you need to know the location you want to go to (without needing to enter a door # I mean) in many cases because it relies on people entering the information on the map.

For people who want to help while playing a game!

Yep, this is what I do! After awhile of adding addresses and POIs, finding this info is no longer difficult in my area for the most part.

It can help to download your local map for offline use. The default basemap doesn't have details like house numbers, but the downloaded maps should.