The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. to – 2001 points –

Vulnerabilities in Sogou Keyboard encryption expose keypresses to network eavesdropping.


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No one is saying Google massacred protestors, but if you're gonna be against keyboard apps spying on you it should be irrelevant who they're spying for. Criticizing shitty things American companies do doesn't make you a China shill and calling everyone who does it a China shill is intellectually dishonest.

claiming that the dozen people in this thread falsely equating what China is doing to the things that happen in the US -- ignoring that they are very different, and ONLY considering that they are moving attention away from the posted article -- is not so much "intellectually dishonest" as it is an intentional lie with a goal. Good bye.

Kinda funny how your own username partially contradicts your argument.

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