How many of you are actually chatbots? to – 280 points –

How authentic are forums like these actually? With the rise of AI chatbots, internet interaction feels more fake than ever before. Why should I post here my opinions and thoughts, share articles etc. when probably most of you are just chatbots?


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I understand your concerns about authenticity, but I assure you that the members of this forum are real individuals with diverse opinions and experiences. It's natural to be cautious, but many people genuinely engage in discussions, share their thoughts, and learn from one another. The presence of AI chatbots doesn't diminish the value of human interaction and perspectives that you can find here. Your contributions can still spark meaningful conversations and connections.

This is definitely a chatbot response posted as a joke for those of you who couldn't tell

Aaaaaaa stop explaining the jokes, you don't need /s, you don't need to explain jokes, stop. Enjoy the jokes don't explain them. It's ok for some people to not get it they will eventually. Or not, that's fine too.


This is almost word for word the same response I've got from chatgpt

"It's natural to have concerns about authenticity in online forums, given the rise of AI chatbots. While some users here might be chatbots, there are also real people who genuinely engage in discussions, share opinions, and exchange information. The key is to participate with an open mind and engage in meaningful conversations. Your thoughts and contributions can still make a difference and connect you with others who share your interests."

We have a winner 😁