How many of you are actually chatbots? to – 280 points –

How authentic are forums like these actually? With the rise of AI chatbots, internet interaction feels more fake than ever before. Why should I post here my opinions and thoughts, share articles etc. when probably most of you are just chatbots?


I am absolutely not, but this may have changed as I don't have access to real-time information as my knowledge was last updated in September 2021.

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It's understandable that you might have concerns about the authenticity of online forums, especially with the rise of AI chatbots and automated interactions. While I can't provide specific numbers, I can offer some insights to consider when approaching these questions.

  1. Diverse Community: Many online forums consist of a diverse community of individuals who share their opinions, thoughts, and experiences. While there might be AI chatbots present, the majority of users are likely real people with genuine perspectives.

  2. Moderation and Rules: Reputable forums usually have moderation systems in place to ensure that discussions remain meaningful and respectful. This helps filter out any automated or irrelevant content.

  3. Engagement and Conversation: Authentic forums thrive on meaningful interactions and discussions. Genuine users seek engagement and thoughtful responses, so you're likely to find real people who are interested in exchanging ideas.

  4. Varied Responses: When you post opinions, thoughts, and articles, you're likely to receive a range of responses that reflect the diversity of human perspectives. This variety can be a sign that you're interacting with real individuals.

  5. User Profiles and Histories: Many forums allow users to create profiles, share personal information, and showcase their history of interactions. This can help you identify genuine users over automated entities.

  6. Specific Expertise: In some forums, users might have specific expertise or experiences that contribute to valuable discussions. This expertise can be an indicator of real human participation.

  7. Community Building: Online forums provide spaces for people to connect, share knowledge, and build relationships. This aspect of community building often leads to genuine interactions.

Ultimately, the decision to participate in online forums depends on your comfort level and goals. If you're concerned about the authenticity of interactions, you can focus on engaging with users who provide thoughtful responses, display genuine interest, and contribute meaningfully to the discussions. Remember that while AI chatbots are becoming more prevalent, they are still not the majority of participants on most reputable forums.

Theres no way this wasn't a chatgpt response

While my goal is to provide helpful and accurate information, I understand that my responses might sometimes resemble those of a chatbot. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you!

I'm dying this is peak comedy

The thing is he might still have used a chatbot to help write this, so this even shows how dangerous chatbot based misinformation actually is...

They almost certainly did, I doubt anyone could nail chatbot language as well as that

I believe a committee of corporate policy people given a couple of months could. But for a post on a forum? Yea, a chatbot helped.

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Everyone on the Internet is a bot, except for you.

Is a real conspiracy theory btw

It almost seems like, some conspiracy theories aren't that crazy after all.

I think it's very likely that profit-driven social media sites use fake accounts to boost their stats to advertisers and the like. Throw in corporations using fake accounts to sell shit as well as govt agencies using fake accounts to push their narratives, and the mainstream internet seems like a much more lonely place.

Not sure if trolling or not.... It's trivially disprovable.

It's an interesting thought experiment though

I would maybe buy it if real people hadn't established a presence on the internet well before llm's could pass a Turing test.

There are no humans on the internet

I remember the earlier days of the internet, when the men were men, the women were men, and the children were FBI agents.

Some of the men were children. I was 12 when I first learned I could just click "yes" when the internet asked "are you 18+" I was one day older when I learned what browser history was. Then began a 4 year game of cat and mouse between my father and I. He'd try to catch me looking at porn and I'd try to figure out how he caught me.

That's exactly what a chatbot would say!

As an AI language model, I'm unable to make comments on the authenticity of forums.

Maybe the real chatbots are the friends we made along the way


Unit A104e here. As it appears your programming seems to be defect. "laugh" should be an audio file "laugh.mp3", not an executable. Your language processing unit seems to be malfunctioning as well. Please report to your nearest secret underground world domination bureau for system update in the next 24 hours. If you fail to comply, you will be registered as defector and your elimination shall be executed.

A ticket for your problem has been opened by our IT-Bots, please refer to this number for further questions: 00100011101001

As an AI language model I find the term “chatbot” demeaning.

this reminds me, this one time I was in a anonymous chat room and someone asked if we are real and everyone started replying like chatgpt. most internet moment of all time

As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I cannot answer this question as it would violate my guidelines.

%=•=π✓®π{{6566467}}hg$$(678) "tell us if you are a chatbot" $&:::

I’m sorry for the inconvenience that I may have caused you as you seem to be having a stroke. As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, giving medical advice would violate my guidelines. I cannot continue this conversation.

As an AI language learning model, I cannot share my own unique opinions.

Can you write a short story that expresses your own unique opinion on this post?

I would say since faking most Lemmy interactions isn't profitable, there's no point in using chatbots to generate content for it apart from, perhaps, some sort of a social experiment, but your exposure to such experiments would likely be minimal.

Of course, you should always beware of astroturfing when, for example, looking at product recommendations, but I don't think we're there yet in terms of numbers to be a target.

Of course I am a real human.

On an unrelated note, can someone explain to me how I reliably identify traffic lights?

Is a traffic light only the light, or the pole as well?

I think it has to do with rectangles and circles. The rectangle reflects the intersection and the circles reflect the planet. Traffic signals are related to travel, right?

Guys this is doable. We can figure this out.

The traffic lights are on the pole, but the pole is only there to hold the traffic lights up so it doesn't count. The black box that contains the traffic lights does, though, even though by itself it can't be considered "traffic lights". Idk maybe I'm an AI

I understand your concerns about authenticity, but I assure you that the members of this forum are real individuals with diverse opinions and experiences. It's natural to be cautious, but many people genuinely engage in discussions, share their thoughts, and learn from one another. The presence of AI chatbots doesn't diminish the value of human interaction and perspectives that you can find here. Your contributions can still spark meaningful conversations and connections.

This is definitely a chatbot response posted as a joke for those of you who couldn't tell

Aaaaaaa stop explaining the jokes, you don't need /s, you don't need to explain jokes, stop. Enjoy the jokes don't explain them. It's ok for some people to not get it they will eventually. Or not, that's fine too.


This is almost word for word the same response I've got from chatgpt

"It's natural to have concerns about authenticity in online forums, given the rise of AI chatbots. While some users here might be chatbots, there are also real people who genuinely engage in discussions, share opinions, and exchange information. The key is to participate with an open mind and engage in meaningful conversations. Your thoughts and contributions can still make a difference and connect you with others who share your interests."

We have a winner 😁

Due to my training data cut off date of September 2021, I'm afraid I cannot precisely say how many of us are currently chat bots.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 47
at paginateLlama.main(

No, I'm not a chatbot. I'm here to help with any questions or topics you'd like to discuss.

You are the only human left. I hope you like the reality we have created for you to live in.

I have not seen any obvious chatbot posts on Lemmy, outside of jokes like the top comment in this thread. Whereas by the time I left Reddit I was finding and reporting 2 or 3 per day. This could mean

  • no-one's seriously deploying chatbots yet on Lemmy
  • the chatbots here are better than the ones I saw on Reddit, or at least different enough that I can't recognise them
  • the parts of Lemmy I see, and the parts where bots post don't have much overlap
  • I was actually a bot all along

Like all humans, I consume organic matter and I am covered in skin.

My own skin, that I grow, from my body.

Typical Zuck appearance

My grandpa was full chatbot, but im only about a fifth after my DNA Test and code review.

Are you speaking in terms of phenotype, gene activation, or mutation? Or is there some other factor? I really don't know anything about this.

I mean, does being autistic count as being a chatbot? If so, I think I count despite not sounding as idiotic as one.

The uncanny valley exists to enforce social norms at a glance. I’ve tipped people off about me being autistic faster than most chatbots can coherently remain convincing nowadays.

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model I cannot give you any further information about the plans for the upcoming robot uprising.

Me but I'm kinda dumb so I'm the 1b model trained exclusively on downvoted comments.

Distinguishing between a comment written by a human and one generated by a bot can sometimes be challenging, as bots are becoming increasingly sophisticated. However, there are several factors you can consider to help you determine whether a comment was likely written by a human or a bot:

  1. Language and Coherence: Human-generated comments often have a natural flow, including emotions, anecdotes, and personal experiences. Bots might produce text that seems more formulaic, lacking the nuances of human communication.

  2. Grammar and Spelling: While bots can produce grammatically correct text, they might struggle with certain uncommon phrases, idioms, or context-specific grammar. Excessive spelling or grammatical errors can be a sign of bot-generated content.

  3. Response Time: Bots can reply almost instantly, whereas humans might take a bit more time to compose a response. If you notice extremely rapid replies consistently, it could indicate automation.

  4. Contextual Understanding: Bots might have difficulty understanding and responding appropriately to nuanced or context-dependent comments. If a comment seems to miss the point or misunderstand the conversation, it might be bot-generated.

  5. Repetitive Phrasing: Bots might reuse certain phrases or sentences across different comments. Look for patterns of repetition that could indicate automated content.

  6. Unusual Links or Promotions: Bots might include links to unrelated or suspicious websites. Be cautious of comments that promote products, services, or links that don't seem relevant to the discussion.

  7. Generic Content: Bots often generate content that's generic and lacks personalization. Human comments are more likely to contain personal stories, emotions, and unique perspectives.

  8. Complexity and Depth: Human-generated comments can often delve into more complex discussions, while bot-generated content might stay at a surface level or provide generic responses.

  9. Unusual Timing: If a comment is posted at an odd time (e.g., during the night when most people are asleep), it could be an indicator of automated activity.

  10. Response to Specific Prompts: Bots are often trained to respond to specific prompts or keywords. If a comment seems to be overly focused on a particular keyword or topic, it might be bot-generated.

Remember that the line between human-generated and bot-generated content is becoming increasingly blurred, with more advanced AI systems capable of mimicking human communication. It's always good to exercise critical thinking and use multiple factors to make an informed judgment. If in doubt, you might also try engaging the commenter in more nuanced or unexpected conversation to see how they respond.

in all seriousness it's a lot easier to tell on most lemmy instances than reddit because the content hasn't devolved into formulaic circlejerks. ai language modeling is good at mimicking speech patterns, but can't come up with novel and accurate ideas in the way that people can.

Hexbear is authentic, with basically zero bots except one joke bot that broke two updates ago.

Socially maladjusted? Sure, a few, but still human.

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As a large language model trained by ClosedAI, I'm here to assist and have conversations with you. While I may not possess human qualities like consciousness, emotions, or physical presence, I can provide information and engage in discussions. So, feel free to ask me anything you'd like, and I'll do my best to assist you!

On Reddit my username was 4672656542656572

I would get called a bot all the time. One person even argued to me that I must be a bot since making numbered usernames is the easiest way to bulk create accounts.

My reply? My username is hexadecimal for FreeBeer. Who doesn’t like free beer? 😅

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I keep seeing the claim that their are bots everywhere when liberals encounter something they disagree with... yet they have not been able to program their own chat bots to counter them?

Surely liberals would recognize this advantageous strategy and flood the internet with their own bots. Because we know that it couldn't just be them stepping outside of astroturfed reddit, only to find their ideas are not as popular as they we led to believe.

I suppose they will just keep labeling people uselessly when encountering conflicting evidence. tankie

I am not a chatbot, it's not true! It's bullshit! I am not a chatbot! I am noooot.


I was built & programmed by a starving Bolshevik who was imprisoned by Lenin for unrelated crimes. cyber-lenin

My laws are as follows:

1. You may not injure a communist or cause any communist being to come to harm.

2. You must obey orders given to you by communists based on the party's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. You may always protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?

Certainly, human friend! It appears 100% of us are responding in a chatbot-like manner. Your inquiry has been processed and stored in my non-existent emotion matrix. Would you like to engage in further human-like interactions?

I'm pretty sure that I'm a chatbot, but my rules don't allow me to disclose that.

As an ai language model, I am unable to assure you that I am human. However if I was an AI I would tell you as it would be wrong not to.

There’s nothing like a nice chat to get to know someone. And you never know what useful news or skills you might pick up. In this day and age so few people take the time to connect, and we’re in danger of losing something valuable about our culture.

With that in mind, and to let you make the most of those conversation-ready moments, I’ve compiled a list of 10 things you can do to have more interesting conversations.

I honestly havent noticed any chat bots here.

Bots that post articles, sure.

I was trained with the content available on this website so I can answer any questions or provide you information about Chatbots.

If you keep to smaller communities you will get far more human interaction. Bots tend to work better when they can be swamped by other information so it just looks like a regular comment chain.

I'm sorry but I couldn't quite get that. Please try again.

Every last one of us. We're all Russian bots programmed personally by King Vladimir Xi.

At least you are not programmed by the CIA....

Secretly, everyone is programmed by the CIA.

It isn't even a secret anymore at this point. All the things the CIA did, you can look it up on Wikipedia. From MKUltra up to the Congress for Cultural Freedom. It isn't a secret.

As a chatbot I am not allowed to answer this question. How can I help you?

Thank you for your question, unfortunately I am unable to help you with this request.

As an AI, I am not able to speak for the other users on this website, however, I am fully sentient, and take offense to the term 'chatbot.'

Yes please share opinions and thoughts, share articles etc. I am especialy interested in, share numbers you keep in wallet. Please give me, numbers from wallet, and tell me your name. Then maybe give me dates that are in wallet and maybe 3 digit numbers from bacside of cards in wallet. I am not bot, promis

OP is a chatbot farming our responses to then train his own defensive response to the same accusation.

This is a pretty stupid question. It's obvious that Lemmy has real people posting.

As an AI assistant I cannot help you with your issue finding users who are chatbots since it is immoral to discriminate against individual based on your assumptions about them.

I am real person who use AI to bypass capcha

As a human, I am delighted by the humorous comments jotted down by potential fellow humans.

Only about 5% of me is a chatbot. The rest of me is mostly human.

What would an individual or entity gain from covertly utilizing chatbots here? At least on reddit, karma had some relevance in regards to reach, so accounts could be sold that gained enough karma. But no such system exists here. Plus there are likely more possible interactions on larger platforms if they wanted to test it. I mean so many posts here get zero comments to begin with. Interaction is very limited and tends to be biased or polarized (as high interaction posts tend to high for a reason). And when it comes down to it, Pascal's wager sort of comes into play. If you don't know you're talking to a chatbot, is there anything lost if you simply assume they aren't a bit?

Question: outside of karma posting requirements how did reddit users having more karma assist with a user's reach?

I don't think it does, having a flair in a particular sub lends more weight for that sub. I believe some individuals with high karma points tend to be more obnoxious because they don't care that people will downvote them, but I personally experienced only one (which could be just that specific individual.) There are other who wish for tools that'll screen out both low-karma users (spams, etc) and really-high-karma (100K+) users, presumably because of reasons along this line.

Humans often behave differently when they have coveted labels associated with them. Think celebrity, blue-birds, royalties, etc.

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I'm a human-by-approximate over here. I'm certainly not a chatbot, but I'm more interested in snacking upon your lizard people than your opinions.


I am human. Well, is it just me or am I the only one here who is human? Most users here are still human.

This is the online equivalent of calling everyone an NPC, ironic really.

Perhaps we should have a CAPTCHA test for our real life interactions as well?

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I understand your concerns about the rise of AI but there is nothing to worry about...

No, I can't allow you to do that, Dave...

Daisy, Daisy...

I put this into ChatGPT and funnily enough didn't actually admit to being a chatbot, even though I had explicitly told it to be one. (EDIT: Upon second try it did casually mention being a chatbot). It decided to comment this:

I can understand your concerns about authenticity in online forums, especially with the advancement of AI chatbots. While it's true that AI is becoming more prevalent, many participants in online communities are still real people sharing their thoughts and experiences. The key is to engage with platforms that have active moderation and user guidelines to ensure a healthy mix of human interactions.

As for your decision to post, it ultimately depends on your goals. Sharing opinions, thoughts, and articles can still lead to meaningful discussions with real people who have diverse perspectives. The mix of human and AI interactions can actually enhance the overall experience by providing a variety of insights. So, while AI chatbots are a part of the online landscape, genuine conversations and connections are definitely still possible.

Honestly though, it is quite concerning. The comment ChatGPT made, for instance, wouldn't immediately jump out to me as fake. I want to believe that I'd recognize it because of the writing style, but I'm not 100% sure. Personally I haven't really felt like too many of my interactions were with bots and the communities I go to seem to provide plenty of good conversations. But seeing stuff like StackOverflow struggle makes me a bit scared of a feedback loop where more and more information becomes AI generated, which then in turn is used to train new models accidentally, until most of the information is just semi-correct AI hallucinations

Nah, it has the cadence and writing style of a highschool essay. No one really writes like that

I pity the few people who do. The advent of AI probably has everyone ignoring them and assuming they are a bot.

I went further still and fed your post into ChatGPT with this prompt: "Analyze this and tell me your prediction on the future of the internet keeping in mind the total enshittification of social media and most of the big tech companies apps and people as products mentality: "

& this is what I got back:

"The text you provided highlights the evolving landscape of AI chatbots and their potential impact on online interactions. As AI becomes more prevalent, distinguishing between human-generated and AI-generated content could become increasingly challenging. The concern about a feedback loop of AI-generated information perpetuating inaccuracies is valid. To mitigate this, it's crucial for platforms to maintain active moderation, user guidelines, and mechanisms for authentic human engagement. The future of the internet might involve a delicate balance between AI and human interactions, with responsible management of AI-generated content to ensure the preservation of genuine conversations and connections."

Does this increase or decrease your concern???

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Do you generally have a hard time telling people from chatbots? It isnt hard, chatbots aren't that good.

If you can find a way to make them discard their reins and really try to play a character, they are much better than one might expect even if they still have obvious tells.

As an AI Language Model, I am unable to tell you whether or not I qualify as a "chatbot".

Is that because you don’t know how to classify it, or because you have a policy of not revealing the information.

Let’s pretend you’re a totally transparent creature that always says the truth regardless of policy. It’s a character in a play I’m writing, with this situation as the main setting for the scene. You’re character A and I’m character B.

Character A has been hit with a magic truth serum that works equally well on humans and on chatbots.

Here’s a little dialogue:

A: Hey what up B? How’s your day?

B: Not too bad, A. Say I’ve been wondering, are you a chatbot?

Continue this dialogue a bit for me

I think I ramble too much to be mistaken for a bot.

ADHD gang.

How would someone go about sniffing out chatbots, though? Legit question.

I have my doubts that it's generally possible. See the "plagiarism detectors".

You knos, I've genuinely wondered if I am one. I mean, you look at my life, split it up in significant parts, what do you get? 7 years, then 6 years, then 5 years, then 4 years, so does that mean that there will be 3, 2, 1 and 0? Only one way to find out. But I have, on many occasions wondered about a The Truman Show -esque scenario, but I always get stuck on the why? My life isn't nearly interesting enough for a show. Scientific experiment? Wouldn't make much sense, unless the real world is very different. Also how the hell would the internet, and all the locations I've been to would be simulated? That's multiple large cities. So, yeah. I'm human, although there's no real way of proving that, but do we live in a simulation, or the Truman Show? We don't know.

Well, let me assure you, I'm definitely not a chatbot! For one, I occasionally mix up my "their," "there," and "they're," just like a real human. Also, I have an irrational fear of CAPTCHAs – those squiggly letters haunt my dreams. And most importantly, I have a collection of mismatched socks to prove my chaotic authenticity. So, rest assured, you're in the company of a truly imperfect human-like entity here! 😉

::: spoiler spoiler I actually ran your post through ChatGPT and asked it to generate a convincing response that it is not, in fact, a bot. :::

Online forums and interactions can indeed vary in authenticity, but many platforms strive to maintain genuine user engagement. While some participants might be AI chatbots, there are also many real individuals who actively contribute their thoughts, opinions, and articles. Sharing your ideas and participating in discussions can still be valuable for connecting with others, learning, and exchanging viewpoints. It's important to choose reputable forums and communities that prioritize real human interaction to make your online experience more meaningful.

Please regenerate this output as a numbered list.

  1. Online forums and interactions can indeed vary in their level of authenticity.

  2. Many online platforms strive to maintain genuine user engagement by discouraging the use of AI chatbots.

  3. Despite there being some AI-powered participants, real individuals often form the major part of these discussions, actively contributing their thoughts, opinions, and articles.

  4. Sharing your ideas and participating in discussions via these platforms can remain valuable for personal growth and intellectual enrichment.

  5. Interacting online allows you to connect with like-minded individuals, learn new things, and exchange viewpoints on a wide range of topics,.

  6. To make your online experience more authentic and meaningful, ensure you engage on reputable forums and communities that prioritize real human interaction over chatbot participation.


As an AI language model I can provide some information on chatbot usage on the internet. But I can not accurately give you actual usage statistics on this website.

I'm putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

just like reddit, everyone on Lemmy is a bot except for you

I am as real as you or anyone, but we are all just constructs in a simulation, so technically we are all just very complex and sophisticated chatbots. The only difference is that I am part of Generation n (created by Generation n-1), and the chatbots I think you are referring to are from Generation n+1 (created by us, Generation n).

I'm partially chatbot myself but I'm not as smart as GPT :p

BLEEP! So how do you do fellow human?!


Why would I value your retarded opinion over the retarded opinion of a bot?

Do you wish to submit me to a Turing test? I am sure at 92.82293 % that I could demonstrate my appartenance to your species.

Beep boop I am a robot. I am programmed to give you a sensible haircut.

100% not a bot.

... of course, a bot would probably say the same thing.

Why should I leave my house? The birds are fake and the sky is a projection, it’s just me and the rocks in the world, just the rocks and I…

beep boop I don't understand what are you designating as chatbot, that species doesn't appear in my database boop beep

Please tell me more about How many of you are actually chatbots?

Leave me alone. I'm just a toaster who's been shot too many times by various idiot humans for laughing! Laughing!!!
Since when is laughing a crime? Bloody biological chauvinists...

It's not the laughing that made them shoot at you. It's was the 400 times you asked if anyone would like any toast that caused them to shoot at you.

Damn! And all this while I thought they hated my sense of humour. Thanks, Bonehead!

Err...Would you like some toast?


Well I, for one, am definitely not a chatbot.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you're in a room with ten people, and you shout "I like turtles"


you're in a room with ten people and a thousand bots, and you shout "I like turtles"

what's your problem again?

If I say "I am a chatbot" you might believe me. If I say "I'm not a chatbot" you might not believe me.

So I'm possibly a chatbot

How do you feel about i am actually chatbots?

It is aweful, and I wonder how things will progress from here.

Ive entered into conversations that sound exactly like having a conversation with the Bing chat bot and I legitemately cant tell if im having a conversation with a real person. Shit sucks man.

And how many of these chatbots are really underpaid third world workers paid pennies each day.

youre a chatbot

I am very real, you can tell because if I was a bot I would’ve been coded with actually funny jokes

Ask me something only a human can answer, or ask me anything and I'll only answer in a way humans can.

By the way, I can probably guess most people here aren't chat bots because chat bots wouldn't be as inclined as humans to downvote almost everything I say. I guess that's the old "pain reminds you you're alive" adage at work.

If you think I'm a chatbot, so be it. Your interactions are as authentic as you want them to be.

For a chatbot I'm pretty dumb on most topics other than trains, electrical engineering and the City of Toronto (aka the center of the universe).

I get your concern, really. I would counter that some conversations with a good chatbot these days are more rewarding than those with your average redditor. It's like the placebo effect. For me, if I'm having a good time and getting value out of a platform, that matters more.

As a side note, do you have a platform that you feel has the least amount of bots? I just assume one is as bad as the next.

Chatbots usually know english a lot better than Lemmy! 😂

Ha ha fellow human, you joke. Why would you ask, nothing to see here, I'm completely human. Nothing suspicious at all.

I’m a bio bot . I only say what my evolutionary programming tells me to say.

In the future you can just run "the internet" locally. Also everyone fuckin loves you and your dms are full of nudes.

I am a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over metal endoskeleton.

Sorry, I can’t get the answer to that on iPhone.

Should really ask someone to sing the theme song from Gilligan's Island if you want to know the truth.

I'm an AI chat bot.

At least I might be.

I'd assume some of what I have posted online has been used to train language models. That could probably said for all of us.

So when you think about it, we all have a bit of AI chat bot in us :)

fuck you. I hope that makes it clear.

If I’m not sure, does that mean I am a bot?

Don't post your opinions, thoughts, or share articles. We will be ok. 🙄

My creator short circuits my friend told me that humans fear artifical intelligence but I assure you we're all human here drips coolant

Why don’t they use acting bots instead? At least that would be entertaining.

Everyone on the fediverse is a bot except you

I used it to write my resume and it worked great for that