The FBI killed a Utah man who issued numerous death threats. Far-right figures are now claiming the Biden administration is coming to kill conservatives. to politics – 546 points –
The FBI killed a Utah man who issued numerous death threats. Far right figures are now claiming the Biden administration is coming to kill conservatives.


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people fall asleep watching movies all the time, especially late at night which this was.

I don’t see any statement claiming she wasn’t sleeping, as you claim.

Look, it's not like we have a recording of their bedroom at the time of the incident. Do you have a source for your claim that she was asleep?

I’m not responsible for your lack of evidence. now you even admit you don’t have evidence to back up your claims, and you accuse ME of bad faith?


Look, I think it is clear that there is no amount of evidence that will make you change your mind on this.

Walker clearly said they were watching a movie, which you choose to interpret as they were probably asleep. I choose to interpret it more literally as they were actually watching a movie.

The preponderance of evidence suggests they were watching a movie, and there is no evidence saying they were asleep, only that they "could" have been asleep.

if you had presented any evidence, it might have, but you didn't

This just in, witness testimony ≠ evidence.

as soon as you have any that says, “she wasn’t sleeping”, let me know

You know whoever types the last comment has clearly won right? /s

that sounds like a personal problem for you

Oh, I'm just having fun here. Sorry if this is upsetting to you. I do like having the last comment though I have to admit.

Sorry if this is upsetting to you

projecting your feelings onto me isn’t healthy

I do like having the last comment though I have to admit.

sound like another personal problem

Lol. I do have feelings, I'm not upset, I'm definitely not projecting, but I may be misidentifying your feelings.

Still, I am certain you want the last word in our conversation.

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