Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends to – 704 points –
Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

A bizarre racist outburst at a Texas school board isn't an isolated event — it's part of a national pattern


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Lol ok what's your solution for two brainwashed racist assholes who made the statements the blogger quoted? What should we do to them other then get upset and curse their names?

Two brainwashed racist assholes on a school board. They are directly affecting the lives of children. And you don't think we should care?

And these brain-wormed zombies are trying to get elected to school boards across the country in a coordinated effort. This isn't some isolated incident.

Hey bud you should care but unless you're a local or planning on movie to Conroe, your comment will not do nothing but stroke your ego. Enjoy them fake internet points your earned by showing how upset you are on place filled with like minded people.

Oh, but you are also decrying any reaction at all.

Saying something is not acceptable is action.

Nope I think we need to start going after the big fish that incited the culture war bullshit. These two racist will most likely be voted out soon, but in the process the article just created more noise in place filled with people yelling already.

So your solution is to yell at the people yelling and then feel smug about your enlightened stance?


Vote them out. Call them out on every platform available, don’t take their bullshit excuses for reasons; dig deeper. Identify the groups they call home and write exposes. Rub their noses in the issues they’re afraid to own: show the world what and who they are. If their ugliness and connections are on display they lose the chance to rope in the unknowing because now everyone knows.

“We can’t do anything” is the siren call of the couchsitter who finds that a more comfortable place than the fence.

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