THE WEAPONIZATION OF LONELINESS to politics – 71 points –
The Weaponization of Loneliness

Hillary Rodham Clinton-(


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Like all liberals, she misses the point - if it isn't anti capitalist, it isn't helping.
Especially when it comes to discussion of alienation which is a feature of capitalism, not a bug.

Ever get tired of Capitalism being the cause of all our problems? I do. I was discussing Capitalist Realism yesterday and was overwhelmed by the magnitude of its pervasiveness.

It really is at the heart of pretty much every problem that we face today, and one of the things it does best, as you mention capitalist realism, is convince us that it is not only the only way, but that it is the predictable result of "human nature". It really becomes more perverse, and more enraging, the more you look.

You might enjoy this Zoe Bee video. She dispels that myth very well.

Thanks, I don't have the brain power to watch the whole thing right now, but have saved for future reference!

Not exactly tired of it, but I know what you mean. It’s so blinking obvious how it poisons everything. What I’m tired of is trying to figure out how to win over the politically naive to this understanding.

I’ve determined that it is impossible until they are affected personally by it. The population is not educated to interpret its effects. This is the impetus to political polarization. Stay strong and informed. When the time comes to direct solutions, you will be needed.

We need a balance of capitalism, socialism, and democracy. We are unbalanced toward capitalism. We just need to tip the scale, not overthrow capitalism.

A for profit economy cannot coexist with the planned economy of socialism. In mixed economies, which the US has now, capitalism will always overtake the social policies. It is happening now in Denmark and Norway. They are privatizing their social safety nets. I respect the idea of moderation, but in this case it won’t work. Capitalism must be disassembled and replaced with a planned economy with an actual democratic workplace.

I'm sympathetic to this because capitalism is indeed eating society, but I'm not convinced a planned economy would work. Are there large scale examples of planned economies working?

if only she could comprehend your magic solution to the problems

It isn't a lack of comprehension, especially not in someone of her position, it is a reluctance to give up privileges she is well aware she has, even if she wouldn't admit it out loud.

and you're a mind reader, that's impressive.. but a lot of responsibility..

I mean, you don't need to read minds, just open your eyes, but sure, whatever...

She knows exactly what the problem is, she just chooses to think the system can be reformed. A common misconception. Marxists would call her a class traitor.

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