Cities Skylines 2 has realistic economy, layoffs and even homelessness to – 0 points –
Cities Skylines 2 has realistic economy, layoffs and even homelessness

Expected to arrive at the end of the year, Cities Skylines 2 increasingly shows what is his goal: after some promotional trailers, the game seems to aim for


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I hope it isn't locked into a liberalism ideology too much. If I want to make food and housing a human right, workers employed by the state, and/or democratically owned workplaces do I have the option for that?

My utopian city has no landlords or bourgeoisie and I hope I can make that happen.

Why don't you go make a socialist city builder game, then? The means of production are right there for the seizing, my friend, go learn game dev right now.

No learn, only seize

Edit: guys I was making a joke. If you're going to seize anything, please learn how it works first.

It’s communist, not socialist, but there is the fantastic Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic game made by slovakians as a criticism of the time under the soviet union.

Colossal Order is Finnish though, so I have reasonable confidence they know socialism != communism. It’s more of an interesting twist that they let you try the orphan-crushing option.

The distinction between socialism and communism gets a little silly imo. Some people claim that communism is a stateless society, and that countries like the Soviet Union practiced socialism, which is just a stepping stone towards communism. You seem to be implying the opposite. Either way, there's like a million different things you could call these ideologies (state-socialism, market socialism, democratic-socialism, communism, anarcho-communism, Stalinism, etc)

Ultimately, I just want workers to own the means of production in my city, whatever you want to call that.

Fair enough, I was just consciously avoiding "communist" because, I don't even know. Anything is socialist in American terms and I'm just confused, it seemed like "yur commie" would be slightly too on the nose. Not that I care too much when the context is someone's spamming game threads.