HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response, ESMC, & Starfield x AMD GPUs

misk@sh.itjust.works to Technology@lemmy.world – 576 points –
HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response, ESMC, & Starfield x AMD GPUs

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How would someone who doesn't use GitHub or linux know how to do that?

GitHub shouldn't be a method of software distribution, but a lot of FOSS devs take the easy way out. Understandably so; they're volunteering their time. Still, Linus is in a position to show how it works rather than complaining.

And to prove the point there was a website dedicated to taking GitHub links and turning them into download links.

I know Linus is more of a hardware guy but c'mon. You learn git freshman year into any Computer Science-related degree. Failing that, 5 seconds of Google or ChatGPT even will set you straight. Maybe it wasn't intuitive, but I like think the biggest tech youtuber would have knowledge of something so fundamental to his field...

As I recall he was trying to use Linux as if he was a regular non-techy person. So it could make sense for him to do that knowing it's wrong. (Which wouldn't apply to "apt install Steam" yes do as I say issue, which a regular user probably wouldn't have tried and ignored the warning even with jargon there).

I don't find it completly unbelievable even a techy could make that mistake because they do not use version control software like git.

Why would a regular non-techy person need to run GoXLR on Linux

Audio creation is a hidden magic I know little of, so the same reasons as on Windows but they're sick of Windows? Do you consider an audio enthusiastic a "techy"? Perhaps I should have said "computer techy".

I absolutely consider an audio enthusiast a "techy", and anyone looking to use GoXLR is definitely a "techy". Anyone who's found themselves on the GoXLR on Linux GitHub page and hasn't immediately closed the tab is almost certainly going to be knowledgeable* enough to navigate a git repository, or at least be willing to put in more effort than downloading a single file from the repository then giving up when it doesn't work.

You could be right, I don't know enough about audio generally or the audience for an GoXLR.

I really don't think he was acting or anything. Like someone else said, if he knew how it worked he could have used it as a moment to teach others right? Instead he just completely fumbled everything, said it was set up incorrectly and blamed the website for it. Which given recent events is such a Linus thing to do...

I thought he made it explicit going into the Linux challenge but it's not stated clearly as such in the first ep (Linux Hates Me - Daily Driver Challenge Pt.1).

In the video Linus says:

  • he could use industry contacts/internal resources to decided which Linux distro to use for gaming but wanted to use the same resources as anyone else would have
  • Linux gets sold on it's customization but "speaking on behalf of normies, I don't want ..."
  • "in my defense a lot of that stuff was jargon that an average user might not understand" in regards to the PopOS event (apt install steam ~ type yes do as I say).