Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW to – 1451 points –

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I don't think people are pretending Linux is perfect. More people than expected though, are simping for windows despite the fact that the money and energy spent on it truly ought to have led to a better product than what we got.

Oh no, I believe no one is under any delusions that Linux is a perfect OS that does everything well and has no issues (well, beyond a few nutcases). It's just that on Linux you CAN solve issues, you CAN find causes, you CAN solve things, and in general once it works, it just keeps working indefinitely. Compare this to windows, which has new mysterious shit frequently, that breaks in unfixable ways to the point that even now the standard troubleshooting procedure is still the three Rs: Reboot, Reinstall, Reformat, and which frequently pulls the rug on you related to support of both hardware and software, all the while being full of telemetry and ads.

It's still a pain, just dramatically LESS of one.

Agreed! I was talking to someone last night about revitalizing their laptop with Linux and they asked me how much RAM they needed. I checked my pop os machine ram usage with no apps running, just under 4 GB. Then checked windows 10 after closing like 10 autoloading programs. 9 GB. Windows is bloated af. It's honestly a miracle it runs.