Scientists observe world's 1st repairing metal to World – 90 points –
Scientists observe world's 1st repairing metal — are self-healing robots coming?

"Of course, there are lots of industries whose product engineers would love to translate this finding into intentional engineering approaches to create metals that automatically heal themselves in our structural applications," lead-author Brad Boyce, a materials scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, told Live Science. "Self-healing metals could be useful in a wide range of applications from airplane wings to automotive suspensions."

Edited : clickbait title


Can any headline that ends in a question mark be answered by the word no?

Here’s a quote from that wiki page you linked to:

A 2018 study of 2,585 articles in four academic journals in the field of ecology similarly found that very few titles were posed as questions at all, with 1.82 percent being wh-questions and 2.15 percent being yes/no questions. Of the yes/no questions, 44 percent were answered "yes", 34 percent "maybe", and only 22 percent were answered "no".

In 2015, a study of 26,000 articles from 13 news sites on the World Wide Web, conducted by a data scientist and published on his blog, found that the majority (54 percent) were yes/no questions, which divided into 20 percent "yes" answers, 17 percent "no" answers and 16 percent whose answers he could not determine.

You are of course correct, the 'law' as written is way too vague to actually even apply in many situations. But it is a fun way to call out articles like this!

I would personally say it is more of a rule of thumb for identifying clickbait journalism. But calling it that isn't catchy enough, much like the first half of this article's headline 😄

I just found it kinda funny that the rule is actually wrong irl since yes is more common across the board, yet when formulated as a question the answer to it is no :)

Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no

Well, it's a bit of clickbait headline imo.

I tried to cut of the last bit. But it wouldn't let me make a post without the original title, unfortunately.

in my tests I could modify the headline has I like. First I put the URL ... there is a suggested headline ... which I can modify or copy and paste ... then I can modify the text of the post. You can even modify it once it is published !

in my [tests]

Tnx for the tip.
I haven't tried it via the website. Mainly using Jerboa lately. I thought it could be a community thing, but I'm no expert though. Just tried to find the modification button, but it wasn't there (now).

Update: In another layout/ page I found the mod button and managed to change the title!

Test was conducted during transmission electron microscope observation under high vacuum and at extremely small scale.
Powder metallurgy does as much "healing" many times over.

Isn't the cold welding of metals in vacuum well-known? And couldn't the electron beam provide energy to encourage the "healing" as well?

Even if they could invent self-repairing appliances/phones they wouldn't do it... Because then they couldn't sell you new thing

It self-destructs and only self-heals if you’re subscribed

Maybe next time don't buy literally the cheapest version of something. You name the product and you can buy one that will either last for your lifetime or can be repaired forever.

Are you serious? Where did I mention buying things cheap? That's a funny looking straw man you built from nothing. Literal premium flagship phones like Apple/Samsung have planned obsolescence It isn't about buying a cheap product when a lot of busineses follow such shitty practices

Why are you blaming the consumer for a problem businesses have created. Planned obsolescence, doesn't matter how many $$$$ you put into a product. It has a shelf life. Especially with more tech

Why wouldn't I blame the consumer when they areyelling at me about cost at my job all the time? I have flat out told clients that they are making the design worse and it will need to be replaced early over trivial amounts of money and they said they didn't care.

So fuck you consumer. Enjoy your plastic shit which includes your Steve Jobs glowing rectangle

So based on a subset of people who are entitled you are tarring everybody in existence with the same brush. Affordability, cost of living and wages are a whole other fucking issue related to CEO greed. Which is out of the scope of the discussion. The fact you are so bitter about this means it's probably time to find a new job lmao

Oh yes it is only a small fraction of the population. Not clients I deal with every single day. Stop buying cheap shit.

I don't buy cheap shit, stop assuming man. I have never met someone with such a chip on their shoulder Get help