This week in KDE: Plasma 6 features to – 220 points –
This week in KDE: Plasma 6 features

Will be fun to try this when it comes. Maybe at the same time as the new Cosmos desktop from system76...

How can I hear the new sound, I didnt find any links

Who had the idea that more Windows-like plingplong sounds is good?

At least you can turn them off!

But the real questions is, can we change them?

Imagine this:

Yes. Even in the current version of Plasma they can be changed easily.

Annoyances should be off by default.

Edit: Funny how the sole argument for why annoying sounds should be on by default is downvoting. I rest my case.

Why is turning off a defaulted checkbox such a big deal? It’s KDE, surely you would be used to customising settings by now since they make it so easy.

Why is turning off a defaulted checkbox such a big deal?

Why is turning a checking box on such a big deal? Everything making sounds is an annoyance and therefore should be opt-in, just like all other kinds of annoyances such as web cookies.

Why not? Sounds are a subtle and quick indicator that something went good or bad. And if you find a particular action too repeating you can turn that sound off.

It's not subtle when all if the desktop plingplogs all the time about everything. Those things should be off by default and turned on only on demand in the accessibility settings for the visually impaired.

If it doesn't matter for some and it's an annoyance for others, it should be off and visually impaired people who rely on that can turn it on (unless their screen reader tells them anyway, then a second sound is useless for them as well).

I keep my phone on vibrate, because that subtle noise and motion is just enough to tell me that the button was actually pressed.

But if the default sounds aren't at that level of subtly, I don't want them either.