Help remembering a network application to – 14 points –

I remember reading somewhere about a self hosted application that would work like a proxy. But not http/https like NPM but all the network traffic.

I may be misremembering but what caught my attention at the time was the possibility to log communication packets. It was months ago and I ended up forgetting about it.

My use case would be monitoring communication with a device I’m developing an app for.


tcpdump, wireshark can capture packets.

haproxy can be a proxy of many networking protocols

mitmproxy can help see encrypted traffic by acting as a literal man in the middle.

ssh with certain parameters can become a SOCKS5 proxy to encrypt and tunnel traffic out of a hostile network

Yeah. I think tcpdump/wireshark is the way to go.

If your use-case is monitoring packets, why not go for an app made for that, such as Wireshark?

Lots of them, if you want something large and powerful you could set up security onion, mirror a port and it'll capture everything plus graph and slice up things all over. Needs a fairly hefty box not to choke if it gets fed a lot though.

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

Fewer Letters More Letters
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the Web
IP Internet Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol, most often over IP
UDP User Datagram Protocol, for real-time communications
nginx Popular HTTP server

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