Israeli Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Kills Dozens, Wounds 50 to World – 35 points –
Israeli Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Kills Dozens, Wounds 50

In 2-3 days the New York Times is going to breathlessly report that Biden called up Netanyahu, scolded him, and gave him yet another ultimatum.

I'm convinced at this point that the US is only keeping Israel supplied with weapons because of how important control of the Suez Canal is. Having an ally close to that region is important and Turkey is just not quite close enough

I live in Pennsylvania. I will not be voting for Joe Biden.

Because you think the inevitable alternative will somehow be better? I hate Biden as much as the next reasonable human being, but I don't want another 2016 situation. We don't have good options, only least bad ones.

This argument makes most sense if you're arguing in favor of revolution

No, this just the best strategy in a first pass the post voting system.