Airdropped rule to – 480 points –

Can anyone source this? The closest match I found was a storyboard artist (Josh Shepherd) that has done a lot of dogs. The exact source is elusive.

Dont have a source, but its not all that unrealistic. Airdropping one species, to counter another invasive one, is not unheard of.

I just wonder how they would do it with wolves. Probably using a big ass cage that opens when it hits the ground.

Edit: Nvm this is the first result for "wolves airdropped" Article

Double Edit: I now have realized you were talking about an artist source lmao im dumb.

Someone named Ronny P shared artist @Jubidoo‘s vision of an airborne wolf attack.

The Twitter Account that was linked (@Jubidoobydoo) is dead but there is an old archive snapshot

New handle seems to be @JubilationsArt

I appreciate the airdrop wolf link so it wasn't a waste of time <3

Moose just moosing around: ??? Airdropped Knifewolf: "Shh... Shh... Go to sleep now..."

Careful, or the next thing you know, we'll have lightning powered tumbling sheep evolving, as a defense response.