Rep. Jamaal Bowman faces tough challenge from George Latimer in Democratic primary in NY suburbs to politics – 20 points –
Rep. Jamaal Bowman faces tough challenge from George Latimer in Democratic primary in NY suburbs

This is what happens when we let foreign interests fund our politicians.

Very strange article. It starts by saying more than his stance on Israel put him under water, but then proceeds to quote nothing but Israel supporters to defend that point.

That's his constitutes. He is the Alan Greyson of New York. Alan was a noted bomb thrower who forgot about his district until he needed to be reelected. Then he wasn't. Many can complain about AIPAC, but the fact is he's done it to himself. Anyway, interesting race.

George "I've got black friends" Latimer

A lot more Latino in the Bronx than blacks.

It was more a reference to Latimer's racist dog whistles. Stuff like claiming Bowman has an "ethnic advantage" and accusing Bowman of representing Deerborn, MI because he criticizes Israel.

He's continually tokenized black people, his response to criticism over his racist remarks has been that he can't be racist because there are black people who've endorsed him. Literally the "I have black friends" argument.

Latimers just another racist old conservative with AIPAC funding shoved up his ass.

Latimer 59.6% Bowman 40.4% - 82% counted

Absolute Fucking Ass Whooping, lmao