Sen. Sanders says millions of people can’t find a doctor. He’s mostly right. to politics – 16 points –
Sen. Sanders says millions of people can’t find a doctor. He’s mostly right.

He is right, he's been right and the downvotes don't change that.

They show he is right on the millions but say the time is not that bad. Im in a large urban area with plenty of hospitals and its over a month to see the doctor. Not so bad for healthy me but frustrating for my health plagued wife.

I think a month is pretty bad, considering someone might be out of work for all that time, waiting for their appointment. A friend of mine is going through this now, and for her the appointment she got after that month is just the beginning. Two months later and she is still unable to return to work, but (hopefully) will be able to after she gets a procedure that's now been scheduled.... for the end of September. She's relying on FMLA to hold her job and charity to survive. Local services said there was nothing left in the budget, and couldn't/wouldn't help her. A church paid her rent this month, and got her a phone card. It's shameful, people shouldn't be made to suffer this kind of indignity while they're also struggling with a sudden illness.

I had to wait 2 months to see a primary care doctor this year. Was supposed to have to wait 6 months to see a specialist about an issue I was having but thankfully after I saw the PCP she went "no way" and had her office call the specialist and move it up so it was only a 3 month wait. My husband is currently waiting 3 months for his appointment with a primary care. We are in an urban area with a couple different hospital systems.