The epic bust-up between China and India could be ending to World – 27 points –
The epic bust-up between China and India could be ending

Pakistan isn't going to be happy. Two nuclear powers allied against them is bad news for them.

How do you know Pakistan wont be joining the party at some point?

Apart from India's government hating Muslims and the fact that they've fought against each other in three declared wars, one undeclared war, and a ton of fighting over Kashmir? Nothing.

Pakistan has almost always had stellar (almost vassal state like) relations with China, the fuck are you talking about. If anything, this will help introduce China as a balancing force between India and Pakistan.

Or China will break off that relationship in favor of a more lucrative one with India, especially since they share a hatred of Muslims.

Russia can't have its 2 major supporters at loggerheads. At least till this conflict is resolved.