Anyone in Rhode Island? to – 37 points –

I’ve got an eighth of Scooby Snacks to give away. Nothing wrong with it, just not the strain for me.


Be careful about advertising stuff like this on the Fediverse. Just give it away to someone on the street. I know it's legal to CONSUME AND OWN, but as soon as you give it to someone, you can be CHARGED as a dealer (doesn't mean you'll be convicted). But it's best to avoid that situation all together.

I highly suggest deleting this post and giving this away to someone in need on the street. Good on you for being charitable, though.

Edit: public opinion, and "the spirit of the law", do not keep up with actual laws, or our community. Be brave, be an advocate, but don't be stupid and a failed martyr.

I thought it can be legally given as a gift with all long as money doesn't change hands for that purpose. Not sure if I am supposed to post links here but from DarrowEverettLLP:

"Personal and Home Use Under the Act, individuals 21 years of age or older may legally:

  • Purchase up to one ounce of cannabis at a time (or the equivalent of one ounce of cannabis concentrate) from a licensed retailer.
  • Possess up to ten ounces per resident inside their primary residence.
  • Give away or “gift” up to one ounce of cannabis without remuneration to another person aged 21 years or older.
  • Possess cannabis-related accessories."

Seems like the third point there says clearly you can gift that amount away

That's why I said CHARGED. You are correct, but the police are not. Unless you're ready for a legal battle, be humble. This is coming from experience.

Regardless of whether or not you're found guilty, you'll potentially have to deal with 2+ year court case. You'll have to sign away your right to a speedy trial (no I'm not joking), and unless your cool with having a publicly assigned ninnompoop, you're going to have to pay your own way for a lawyer. I SUPPORT THE USE OF CANNABIS BUT BE CARFEFUL.

I honestly don’t think the RI PD give two shits

It depends on the situation. I don't suggest trying your luck.

Bro, it’s a bag of weed. Chill.

Here I am at the other end of the country willing to trade an eighth, got something that is kinda working but kinda not. Aw fuck. We oughta get a cannabis coop going or somethin YEAH I"M LOOKIN STRAIGHT AT YOU FBI

Meet me on the dark web

Behind the wendys?

Get outta here with fancy Wendy’s. We’re meetin behind Family Dollar.

Damn Family Dollar is Dirty Dave's territory and I still haven't apologized for pooping on his cat. This might take a bit I gotta bake am apology cake.