An OpenBSD E-Mail Server Using OpenSMTPD, Dovecot, Rspamd, and RainLoop to – 48 points –
An OpenBSD E-Mail Server Using OpenSMTPD, Dovecot, Rspamd, and RainLoop | Vultr Docs

I actually do this, minus rainloop, and it works pretty great.


Those are definitely words.

Edit: what I learned:

  • OpenSMTPD is the default OpenBSD “sendmail”
  • Dovecot is an IMAP server
  • Rspamd - basic very complex spam filter
  • Rainloop is a webmail interface for the trio.

OpenSMTPD is the default OpenBSD “sendmail”

Not quite. OpenSMTPD is OpenBSD's default smtpd though (and it is portable!).

Rspamd - basic spam filter

It can be configured to be rather complicated if you wish. :-)