
9 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Runterwählen ist kein Gegenargument.

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Dynamic typing is the source of very amazing errors, see JavaScript.

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For all of those, Lisp is the more logical choice. Plus, whitespace as syntax is the worst possible design decision.

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Still easier to refactor than Python. ;-)

I still write more Perl than Python these days.

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You can make embarrassing mistakes in virtually any programming language that's not too esoteric.

When I still used Python for prototyping (today, I usually use Go for that), it happened much too often that I did this:

if foo:
   foobar() # syntax error

In Lisp, however, both errors are much harder to make (not even considering GNU Emacs's superb auto-indentation - which is what most Lispers use these days, as far as I know):

(when foo)  ;; <- obvious!
(when foo
          (foobar)  ;; <- still valid
(quux))  ;; <- also still valid

Feel free, it’s still out there!

7.14% unknown!

The year of Plan 9 on the desktop!

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What sort of “dark messengers” preach compassion and justice?

Christian missionaries.

I would not consider the Abrahamic texts to be canon about Satanism. That's like learning about Native American culture from Spanish conquistadors.

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I don’t think volunteer and charity work is very satanic, at any rate.

Why not?

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Reddit says web clients have visited their public, free website without permission.


... who, ironically, co-founded reddit and wrote its first second version.

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Fascism pays well.

even though Rust is objectively better.

In some of its characteristics, Rust is certainly a good language. The borrow checker, however, still haunts my restless dreams today.

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Developers who are not willing to learn something new and not adapt are the worst.

And this is why COBOL developers are desperately needed these days: because too many people think that "old" was the same thing as "needs a replacement".

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Considering Satan is a fiction, I’d say Satan can be whatever you want him to be.

This is probably also true for the Christian God. But let's assume for the sake of discussion that the Bible is a factual account: the Book of Numbers already refers to the worship of the Semitic god Ba'al in the "ancient" people of Israel. Etymologically speaking, Ba'al is identical to what later became "Beelzebub", one of the names of Satan; it is reported that the statues of Asherah (the wife of YHWH) and Ba'al were destroyed. Ultimately, according to the Bible, the followers of YHWH waged a "holy war" against the followers of the other gods and declared these gods to be the "Antichrist" by a mere act of speech.

It is not known whether the followers of Ba'al were really less merciful than those who later waged crusades.

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Surprisingly many people don't need the "modern" "web" for daily driving.

MySQL refugees = those who ran to MariaDB when MySQL was bought by 'Orrible and now need another new home. Accidentally, PostgreSQL has grown support for some of MySQL on recent versions.

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A Windows zero-day vulnerability recently patched by Microsoft was exploited by hackers working on behalf of the North Korean government so they could install custom malware that’s exceptionally stealthy and advanced, researchers reported Monday.

I am always amazed at how easy it is for ‘security researchers’ to speculate about which government is solely responsible for exploiting security vulnerabilities.

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As if there was any hint of an "image" left to lose.

Sounds like you should get a Mac.

Be that as it may, I would like to be constructive for a change:

Why does every distro need yet another package manager? Yay/pacman I get because it seems to build it. Though I don’t understand why, other than AUR. APT is so nice and easy… I hope DNF is the same.

RPM - which DNF uses - is the standard package format for Linux ;-) The problem seems to me to be that every distribution does not attach any importance to something like common standards.

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OpenBSD seems to be able to have branches (CURRENT and STABLE), and they seem to be able to manage them just fine.

Ah, nothing's wrong with WordPerfect, honestly. Still better than Word.

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Looks like Green_Enkidu is the sus here.

A mac would be a nightmare, in the worst case it “would just work”. Unacceptable.

That sounds exactly like the reason why Linux behaves like it does. ;-)

The short answer: NetSurf, because it is the only contemporary web browser that also works under Plan 9, is extremely resource-efficient and is not based on one of the big (= commercial) browser engines.

The long answer: It depends. I like to use eww to test the accessibility of a website, but since Mozilla destroyed everything I liked about Firefox in November 2017, I've been using Vivaldi as my main browser. Although Vivaldi is based on Chromium, it is quite privacy-friendly, performant and extremely customisable. Unfortunately, some websites do not work very well with NetSurf. (I like to report this as a bug to the website operator. It is fatal that everyone always assumes that everyone wants to load and execute hundreds of KiB of JavaScript).

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Wait until you see the Lisp community. But yes, Rust is currently in its “why are there even any other languages lol” phase. Just wait.



Some of our customers rely on Oracle’s database system, because history. Sadly, we can’t teach them.

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It also expands your employment potential and general usefulness.

I have already mentioned that programming is not everyone's profession. Not everyone chooses what they do in their unpaid free time primarily based on whether it makes them a more useful person. I think the very phrase ‘my usefulness’ is dangerous.

Are we only worth something as drones?

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It still is, as that’s what the developers use.

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OpenSMTPD is the default OpenBSD “sendmail”

Not quite. OpenSMTPD is OpenBSD's default smtpd though (and it is portable!).

Rspamd - basic spam filter

It can be configured to be rather complicated if you wish. :-)

Oh no, two of the worst companies have left, all we have left now are (...) Google, apple, Microsoft, Uber

So, all that's left is even worse? ;-)

Yes, it is, because it does the job. Why exactly shouldn’t they?

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I understand the reluctance but it feels to me like arguing “we should just stick with COBOL because it works.”

For those depending on COBOL code that does the job and has been doing it just well for a few decades, there are approximately zero good reasons to not stick with it.

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I rather not.

If you want a keyboard centered workflow it’s hard to beat.


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Awesome (although I never owned an Amiga myself)! Thanks for your work.

Maybe it’s not your profession but a hobby but the point stands.

To be honest, I've hardly ever asked myself how I could best please a potential employer with any of my hobbies. But I recognise that you're probably taking a different approach.