Firefox 129.0 Release Notes to – 135 points –
Firefox  129.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

Big fan of the reader mode changes. I'll probabky start using it more often, not just on sites with horrendous popups.

Welcome to our article. Have this video that starts playing, and if you scroll away from it, we'll put it in the corner of your screen where it won't go away.

I think it's smart. Reader mode is also a very good way to avoid ads and even paywalls.

Yeah, I remembered reading in passing someone mention bypassing paywalls. Sure enough, it was as easy as pressing the little button. Full article ad free

I wish they'd add reader mode to Firefox Focus too.

Please give us "follow system theme" for reader mode on mobile, I beg you. I just can't understand why it's available for desktop but not for mobile.

Thank god for tab previews.

Now we just need a better system for tab unloading (that properly works with the tab preview) and that's the biggest features from Chrome I'd like to see in FireFox.

I just enabled the option to reopen tabs on close, usually open a new tab right before closing with the primary X button, then reopen Firefox so it unloads all tabs that don’t get loaded until I click on them individually. Works fine, isn’t a huge hassle. Good enough at least until it’s officially a feature.

I use tree style tabs and it also has an option to unload tabs. I might be wrong and there is a plugin for TST that adds this functionality though.

SideBery lets you unload whole groups of them!

(This tab grouping is not quite as good as what Chrome and derivatives have, but it's very close.)