Realme's 320W SuperSonic Charge fills the battery in under 5 minutes to – 17 points –
Realme's 320W SuperSonic Charge fills the battery in under 5 minutes

Isn't higher current bad for battery longevity? How long will this thing last if you regularly charge it like that?

I don't think we have the stats yet, but it most likely will not increase the lifespan of the battery ;)

My guess would be something like 500 cycles, which would roughly translate to 1-2 years, until the battery degrades noticeably.

16 Amps at 20V ... what type of cables will they use? USB-C cables won't allow this much current.

14awg to about 20'

14g would be great "Yeah lemme just hook up this lamp cord to my phone real quick"

The metric equivalent to 14 awg is 2.5mm²

I hypothesize that they're using three or four USB PD, 20V 5A circuits in parallel. This would keep the hardware cheap.

But, a single USB cable could only handle two circuits. I'm with you. I wonder what cables they'll use.