FBI raids home of Russian-born 2016 Trump adviser: report

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 192 points –
FBI raids home of Russian-born 2016 Trump adviser: report

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I use UBlock Origin on Firefox and the link works fine for me.

They may mean on mobile. I have the same problem.

Both Firefox and uBlock Origin can be used on Android.

I don’t have android. And with iOS it always says an ad blocker is in use, you can’t access the page. Or you turn it off and get spammed bad.

Mr. Simes, I suppose your could test your hypothesis, by stepping foot on US soil, going, and asking at the nearest FBI office. But that would take a certain courage of your convictions that you clearly lack.

He added, “My suspicion is that instead of trying to get me to come to the United States and to interrogate me or even to arrest me, their real purpose is to make sure that I would not come back.”